Part 8

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Chap 8

Imlie was now more than determined the first thing she will do once her room is open is to call the old couple.  After an hour, Aryan walked in suprised to see Imlie on the couch . " You still here" Imlie looked up as she was in deep thought.. she told him about the key.

"Oh i feel guilty now" he said putting his hand on his heart
"Sorry Sir" Imlie genuinely apologized.
"Again Sir Jao i dont want to talk to you nor will tell you about my date" he acted like a bechara.

"Are sorry Aryan"
"Ye hui na baat"
"So how was your date?" It hurts her she was hurt today emotionally and physically. She hid her cheek behind the hair and her hands she tried to make sure his eyes dont go there. Keep him distracted in talks Imlie.

"It was actually nice. I got to know her more.
You know she has bucket list that she wants to complete isnt that cool? I think she found me boring, all i talked about how i love my work, how i love to be alone, i did mention i love playing guitar. I dont think anybody knows now you and Natasha knows! "

"I am happy you enjoyed your date. I wish.. " she stopped and changed her sentence " Would you play guitar once for me whenever you get a chance"
"Of course am going to show off." He yawned
"Am gonna change and head to sleep. I will sleep on couch" Before she could protest he went into shower.  Imlie quickly laid herself on couch . When Aryan came out, he stood over her "Really? Get up and take the bed" he ordered
Imlie shook her head.
"I am your Boss Imlie! " he shouted at her.
She shook her head again. "Imlie..!" He said very slowly threatingly, "if you don't then i will pick you and drop you there" coming closer.
Imlie got up immediately, it will be death of her if he picks her up. She wont be able to control her emotions. She put her head down and walked to bed and settled inside the blanket.

Aru plopped on couch with hand on his head. The lights went off. She tried to sleep. She could hear her rapid breathing. She count to 20 to calm herself. The event of monster was bothering her. Her hand still hurts . What was he doing here? Is he been here all along? Fear kept nagging her and she tried overcoming it. Imlie should not fear anything, talking to herself she forgot she in room with somebody. Night was going slow. For reason known to her, a sob escaped  and tears would not stop. She was tired of this life. The beatings, the harassment she will runaway the day she gets back. She did not realize her sob was heard by Aryan. Her back was to him.

Aryan being light sleeper, heard a sorrowful noise. First he thought he hearing things, then realise its very near to him, in his room. It was Imlie. He could make her back out sobbing thats what it was. He was shocked. Is she having nightmare? He got up and went the other side to wake her out of nightmare but when he went the other side she was wide awake staring into space and tears dropping away.

"Imlie?" He softly called out her name
Imlie realized that she has been heard. What will she do now?

He went down on his knees to level, he gently touched her shoulder, "are you ok?"
She wanted break free and just crush in his arms but thats just a dream.

She sat up and said , "Sorry was missing my mom.." she quickly wiped her tears and gave a big smile.

"That smile again how can you do it cry one minute and smile the other. I understand Imlie one can never miss enough of their parents " he said sadly "Am here if you want to talk.. am your best buddy now rememebr" trying to joke.
"Am good, sorry I disturbed your sleep. Go soh jao"

"Good night" he patted her head as mother would do to their child. Imlie closed her eyes when he patted her head, she felt sukoon.

Her love was deep, she just wanted to give and does not expect anything in return. Her only wish is to kiss him once and she will live with that her whole life.  Its far fetched wish too never going to happen. She finally slept dreaming about love.

They returned the third day back to the city. Aryan insisted to drop her and Imlie denied.
Imlie was ready for the trouble that she was going to face as soon as she steps in. She had already taken care of her paying guest situation when in Delhi. Its 6 pm right now when she reached the home, everybody ignored her paid no heed to her . She hurriedly went into her room and closed the door. She remove a small bag from wardrobe  and started putting clothes and essentials. After 15 minutes, she put the bag back in wardrobe as it was. She sat, releasing the breath. "Whew", same time he pushed the door open and barged in closing the door behind him.

Without a word, he started unbuttoning his shirt. Imlie ignored him and started cleaning the mess in the room. He grabbed her and pushed her to the wall " i have had enough, today you will be mine" Imlie struggled , she tried kicking but nothing was working. He grabbed her face and bit her neck. She yelped in pain. She tried to look sideways , she saw a lamp, she tried grabbing the lamp. He bit her again this time pushing her kameez down and on her shoulder. He kept biting her shoulder like a animal . Finally after grabbing the lamp, she hit him on the head. One hit was enough , he dropped on floor. Imlie pulled her kameez up , grabbed the bag and went to the window. It was one floor jump she had no choice . This pain she will bear but not the pain that man had inflicted on her soul. She jumped, it was painful, she stood up in pain her legs about to give out but without making much noise she went out the gate and called for rickshaw. She decided to stay in a hotel for a night. She will go to guest house after work.
After checking into a hotel, she cried her hearout, she laughed and she cried. She laughed because she was free  and cried because of the pain. She looked at herself in mirror , the marks on neck were horrible, she removed her top - her shoulder was worse. It was badly brusied, the bite marks were visible. She  went and laid on bed staring the ceiling still not believing that she finally ran away . She doesnt know the consequences hell she doesnt care, she will fight back. With that she drifted to sleep.

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