Part 12

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Aryan POV::
She is a beautiful soul . Thats all she could think about. She is so selfless. He is infatuated with her and more he denies more he feels it.
Natasha was going to come, he thought this is the best way to distract himself from those feeling for Imlie.
When he hugs her, he feels sense of completeness.He been denying past couple week but he feels connected to her. He can trust her with anything.
If she wasn't married...he slapped himself out of this immoral thought. She is married end of story. He agrees that he is open book to her but she hardly talks about her
family as in her in-laws. Maybe she still adjusting to her new life with her husband. He did notice a emotion in her eyes whenever she is around him, but he tells himself because of husband .
Maybe whenever he notices that emotion, she must have had good time with her other half. He was brought of his thought, when his phone rang. Natasha was here...
Imlie POV.:
Next day evening at her other job while she was serving pizza to customer, the bell rang. She looked up and turned her back. Aru and Natasha was here.
she hurried went behind the counter near the pizza oven trying to hide her face. She pushed Amna-her coworker to help them out.
Aryan and Natasha was busy in conversation so they did not notice Imlie when they walked in. They were going to dine in, which means there is no way they won't notice her.
After sometime, a big family walked in, Imlie had no choice but to help them. She pulled her cap little lower , "Hello Sir, How may i help you" she asked nervously to the customer
She stole a glance to make sure he does not notice her. Thank god they are deep into some conversation.
Amna- served them their pizza . While they ate , she took care of customers making sure she does come in their view.
Once they were done, Imlie was relieved that finally they will leave. Natasha left, Aryan was just about to follow when he turned around and came near the counter.
Imlie thought they were out when she had seen Natasha leave, she went near the monitor to take the order, "IMLIE!" his voice boomed
He was standing right infront of her. She saw his eyes running with emotions-betrayal,confusion and now anger.
She did not want to lose her job, "Hi how can i help you sir"
He was quiet for sometime, he was pissed, his hand was in fist his nose was flaring. His friend had to lie to him.
He meant nothing to her it means, she lied to me was all he could think. Why?
"I need a small pizza to go" he said sternly handing her the money.
Imlie trembling quickly gave change and went near the oven. She whispered Amna, to hand over the pizza once its done.
After 20 minutes, he finally left with his food. Imlie knew that she broke his trust, he must be confused and she knew she is in deep trouble.
That night, the trouble did not ended there for her- Uncle and Aunty had gone for pilgrimage and when she came to her bedroom - she saw figure.
It was him..Aadtiya. She turned on the lights, "GET OUT! How dare you come here?? How did you find me?? I dont care just get out!!"
Aaditya with long strides, put a document on her face- "You sent me notice for divoce??How dare you bit**?? I paid hefty amount for you and I didnt even get you on the bed and you want divorce???
I been silent, watching your moves..i see half of your time you are spending time in boss's cabin??Whats going on?? Having affair?? Is that where you getting the money for?? I can give you money for sleeping with me too?"
Imlie slapped him. "You Bitc**" He grabbed her throat. She tried to pry his hand off, tears coming out of her eyes due to pain. She couldn't breath
He left her throat and before she could retaliate, he grabbed her hands twisted it behind her back. She spit on his face which infuriated him.
"Leave me , I will go to Police. Leave me" she yelled. "Police huh?" She was able to free herself, and she pushed him with her legs he fell down. She took the opportunity to get out of the room but a hand grabbed her leg.
He pulled her down , she pushed him with other, trying free herself from his hold on her leg. She crawled on her elbow when he got hold of her both legs, he came on her , grabbed her hair and pulled her face back.
"Bohut smart banti ho, tum khud Tripathis ke ghar aaogi. Dekho hum kya karte hai." And with that he banged her head on the floor twice and left.
Imlie laid there , weeping she got up and locked the door. She sat on the floor against the door and hugged her knees.
Her life is a mess. She doesnt know what to do anymore. How long she going to hold herself. She wants her mother. "Amma" she screamed for help.
"Ammma" She just slept on floor that night not sure what trouble next day will bring.

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