A change of heart

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A cool breeze swept around Rivendell, chilling the already frozen lands. The palace rose high, towering above the two rulers. Cyan hair flowed in the wind, causing strands to cover part of the Elf's angry face.

A slight twinkle shone from the blonde's eyes, his hair gently pushed out of his face by the blowing breeze. "Please Scott..." His voice was swept up in the wind, only just audible.

An angry flare shot through the King, the wind howling behind him. "No Jimmy! Just leave, ok?" His voice broke through the thick atmosphere, elevating louder than any of them had expected.

The twinkle from Jimmy's eyes disappeared, his expression turning to sadness. He sighed and turned away from the King, a lump forming in his throat. He had failed again. Jimmy opened his frosted wings, cracking the ice, and lifted off into the cool air without another word.

The isolated Elf was still the same cold-hearted Elf he had ever been, not having a care in the world for anyone but himself.

Jimmy had been trying since he had met the elf to befriend him, that was all he had wanted. Why did he even care about Scott? It was clear the Elf didn't have a care in the world for Jimmy.

All he knew was that he wanted to break through Scott's cold-hearted shell and find some humanity in him. He had to have some emotion, whether that be love, happiness, enthusiasm. He was determined to find something; he had made it his life's mission by that point.

Jimmy landed quite roughly in front of his house in the Swamp Empire, tripping a bit as he hit the ground. Scott made it look so easy, every time he landed he looked so graceful while doing so.

Jimmy wished he could be like that, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never get it right. Jimmy steadied himself and continued to walk the rest of the way to his house, opening the door and shutting it behind him, walking over to his bedroom.

He laid his head down on his pillow, getting comfortable. He had no obligations or anywhere he had to be for the rest of the day, so he could just relax.

Scott had hated him since they had met, and Jimmy wasn't sure why. What had he ever done to Scott to make the Elf so mad at him? Whenever he tried being friendly Scott would brush it off and shoot back something hurtful. It made Jimmy sad seeing him so heartless, but yet he found himself drawn to Scott, trying to become friends with him at every opportunity that presented itself.

Deep down he knew he should just give up, Scott's never going to change, he's never going to want to be friends with Jimmy of all people. Maybe Lizzie was right, maybe he should just leave the King alone.

Jimmy had lost track by now how many times he had visited the Ocean Queen, complaining to Lizzie about how stubborn Scott was, and how he had rejected his offer to be his friend once again.

Every time she would say, "just give up, Jimmy. He's not worth it if he doesn't want to be your friend. Why keep trying?" She was the most supportive sister Jimmy could ever wish for, although she could get annoying from time to time, but that's beside the point.

The more Jimmy thought about it, the more he realized how cold Scott was to all of the Empires, not just him. He didn't socialized much, but when he did, it was at a meeting or to trade with someone, but even then he talked as little as possible, not showing any sign of humanity.

This happened rarely though, he didn't seem to leave Rivendell for anything that didn't involve those two reasons. Someone would invite him to a party, he would say he was busy. Someone would offer to hang out, he would decline immediately.

It was like he didn't want friends at all, which confused Jimmy, because who doesn't want friends who can support you when you need it, and hang out with you?

One sided (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now