Meetings, apologies and friendships

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A meeting had been called by the Overgrown ruler, they were to meet at her kingdom to talk about the future of the kingdoms and what was best for them. Scott really didn't want to go, but it was compulsory, he had no say in the matter. He put on a simple Rivendell outfit and started making his way over, feeling the cool air fading away as he got further away from his home.

He landed gracefully on the healthy, green grass, looking around to see who was already there. He spotted Katherine, the Queen of the Overgrown, talking with Gem and Shrub, from the Crystal Cliffs and the Undergrove.

Next he saw fWhip, the ruler of the Grimlands, Joey, the ruler of the Lost Empire, and Sausage, the ruler of Mythland, to the far side of the meeting room. To the other side of the room were Pearl, from Gilded Helianthia, and Pix, from Pixandria.

Scott turned his attention to the end of the long table where he saw Lizzie, Queen of the Ocean Empire, Joel, King of Mezelea, and someone who he wished was not there, King Jimmy of the Cod Empire.

Scott sighed and went to take a seat far enough away from everyone, hoping no one would have to sit next to him. The meeting room was loud, everyone talking over one another, while Scott just sat and waited for the meeting to start.

He wasn't bored, he quite liked being on his own, he didn't see the point of talking to people when you could just keep yourself company. It was all he needed.


Jimmy's gaze turned away from Lizzie and Joel for a moment as he heard someone enter the hall. He quickly glanced away when he realized who it was. Scott. Jimmy really wanted to go over to talk to him, but what was the point? Scott would just be mean to him again.

"Jimmy?" Jimmy looked up at the sound of his name being called. Lizzie was looking at him with concern. "Are you ok? You zoned out again." Jimmy hadn't even realized until Lizzie brought him back to reality.

"Oh, s-sorry..." He let his eye flicker over to where Scott sat, then quickly turned back to Lizzie. Lizzie followed where he had previously looked, and a reassuring expression crossed her face.

"Oh Jimmy." She turned back to look at her brother's sad face. "Just forget about him, he doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's not worth it."

A tear slowly ran from Jimmy's eye. "B-But-"

"No buts, just forget about him."

Jimmy was conflicted. On one hand, he wanted to go over and talk to Scott, convince him he needed friends, but on the other hand, Lizzie was right, he didn't care about anyone, he was selfish. That's when he made up his mind.

Turns out a con can turn into a pro. If everyone thought Scott was selfish and heartless, he wanted to prove everyone wrong, he wanted to prove there was some humanity in Scott. He was going to break through Scott's barrier and see that there was something there left to fight for.

Jimmy pushed his chair back and got up, started to walk over to the lonely elf, until Lizzie stopped him. "And where are you going?"

Jimmy just smiled, not turning around. "To make someone smile." Then he left before Lizzie could stop him.

As he approached Scott, he grew nervous, unsure why. Slowly he walked up and stood to the side of Scott, who was sitting in his chair calmly.

Scott felt a figure loom over him, he flicked his head up quickly to see who it was, anger taking over when he saw a familiar face. He purposely turned his head away. He didn't want to talk to anyone, but especially not Jimmy. Why was his luck so bad today?


Scott rolled his eyes and turned back to Jimmy with an annoyed expression. "Did you need something?" Scott crossed his arms and stared intently at Jimmy.

One sided (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now