Close call

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The following morning, Jimmy laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He had barely gotten any sleep the night before, he couldn't shake Scott from his mind. That was all he had thought about until two in the morning when he was finally able to get to sleep.

It was now seven and he was once again awake, thinking about Scott. Why couldn't he get to sleep? Why was Scott the only thing he was thinking about? He eventually decided to just get up, knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

As he sleepily walked around his room, getting ready for the day, he found himself putting on his shoes and walking outside. He wasn't sure where he was going, he just let his feet walk him outside, launch a rocket into the sky and fly off to who knows where.

The cold soon snapped Jimmy back to reality, as he realized where he was. Rivendell. Why had he come all the way out to Rivendell? It can't just be to see Scott, surely.


Scott heard wings flapping outside, a crash shortly followed. He ran to the door, opening it. He immediately calmed down when he realized who it was, crossing his arms. "Why hello there." He grinned.

Jimmy quickly looked up to see Scott standing above him. "Hey Scott." He greeted, pulling himself off the ground.

"I see hanging out with me hasn't taught you much?" Scott smirked; a sarcastic tone laced through his voice.

"Sh-Shut up!" Jimmy was glad Scott was actually being nice to him. Last time he had seen Scott after he thought they were on good terms the elf had gotten angry when Jimmy brought up that Scott was laughing. It was nice to see Scott was joking around again, this time not seeming to care if he was laughing or not.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" Scott's face changed back to a neutral one, his arms dropping by his sides. His voice was still a calm, friendly one as he spoke though.

"Oh... Uh... I-I don't know, I just kind of ended up here?" Jimmy wasn't sure how to answer Scott's question. He wasn't even sure why he was here.

"Oh... Ok? Why don't you come in out of the cold?" Even though Scott wasn't affected by the cold, he knew Jimmy would be, so he stepped out of the way of the door, letting Jimmy in. He closed the door once Jimmy was through and started walking over to his kitchen. "Want anything to eat or drink?"

"Oh, uh... No thanks."


Lizzie was on her way to Rivendell to trade for some wool. She wasn't looking forward to it, but she needed the wool, she just hoped Scott was in a better mood than when she last came to visit.

As she approached the large building, she heard laughing. That confused Lizzie, so she sped up a bit, wanting to see what was going on. She landed outside the building, wings freezing over. Lizzie walked up to the door and knocked, eagerly waiting to see what all of the noise was.

Scott and Jimmy stopped laughing and looked at each other, Scott giving Jimmy a warning look, then he walked over to the door and opened it. "Can I help you?" As Scott was answering the door, Jimmy went over to wait on the couch.

"I came to trade for some wool... Were-Were you laughing?" Lizzie was almost too nervous to ask, not knowing what Scott would do if she were to make him angry.

"No! Why would you think that!?" Scott's anger grew at the thought that someone else might find out that he's not as cold-hearted as some people may think. "Let's just get on with trading!"

"But-" Scott gave Lizzie a murderous look, shutting her up. Not many things scared Lizzie as she was normally the one threatening others, but right now, with Scott giving her a look as if he was going to kill her, she was scared for her life.

The way Scott was looking at her made her feel like he was going to kill her if she were to say anything further on the subject. "Uh... Maybe I'll just come back later when you're in a better mood..."

Scott didn't say anything, he just stared at her with an intense gaze while Lizzie slowly turned and shot a firework into the air, opening her wings and flying away. As Scott turned around, Jimmy saw his stern look and immediately started worrying. Even though he had seen the elf's soft side, Scott still scared Jimmy when he was like this. "S-Scott?"

Scott's expression softened slightly seeing Jimmy scared. "Sorry Jimmy, I think you should go now."

"Oh... Ok, b-bye Scott..." Jimmy sadly walked over to the door to leave.

"Bye." Scott watched as Jimmy walked out the door and flew off. He had to be more careful, Lizzie had almost found out. Scott liked the idea of everyone fearing him because for the elf being feared was easier than being liked. It meant no one would underestimate him.

If anyone were to attack him or anger him all Scott had to do was threaten them and they would be scared of him. It wasn't the best lifestyle, but for Scott it worked.


That night as Jimmy was trying to fall asleep his mind flashed back to Scott once again. He couldn't stop thinking about how he had felt when Scott had hugged him, and when Jimmy did try to push the elf out of his mind, somehow Scott managed to creep back in.

Did he like Scott? No he couldn't, he was straight, wasn't he? Jimmy was suddenly very confused about everything. He didn't know what to think anymore. He was definitely straight, right?

Eventually he was able to get to sleep, but not for a long time. It was at least midnight before his eyes started getting heavier and slowly closed, drifting off into a deep sleep.

One sided (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now