A misunderstanding

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Jimmy had woken up the following day very confused. Had it all been a dream? Did he want Scott to be his friend so bad that he had dreamt that Scott had hugged him? But then it all slowly started coming back.

It was no dream.

Scott had come to trade. Jimmy had caught him being secretive. Scott had hugged him. He had apologized. Then he just left without another word. What did that make them? Were they friends now? Jimmy had no idea, the only way to know for sure was to see Scott. Time for a trip to Rivendell.

Jimmy felt the wind against his wings as he entered the cold mountain biome. Rivendell was always cold, even in the summer it wasn't much warmer. He shivered as he braced himself for the landing.

As the distance between Jimmy and the ground closed, he felt his pace quicken, plummeting to the floor, falling over, and landing on his hands and knees.

Jimmy looked up when he heard the sound of a door opening and a figure walking out. Scott stood for a second, then a small smile grew on his face, not much, but you could tell he was smiling, due to the fact that he never smiled at anything. "So I see you still can't land without falling over?" There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Jimmy slowly got up and brushed himself off, a smile forming on his face as well. "I think I'm getting quite good actually." He smirked.

"Oh honey, you've got a lot to learn if you think that was good." This was the first time Jimmy had ever seen Scott happy, he always seemed to be angry at something or someone, but now, he was genuinely happy.

"Why don't you teach me then?" Although he was joking, there was still a part of him that wanted Scott to teach him.

"In your dreams!"

Jimmy started laughing, until he realized Scott's face had turned to annoyance once again. All happiness once seen in his expression vanished. Stood in front of Jimmy was the Scott that hated everything, the Scott that hated everyone, the Scott that didn't leave Rivendell. His smile faded and he looked at Scott, confused. "Why have you come?"

"I-I...um..." Jimmy was caught off guard at his sudden change in attitude. What was he doing? They were having fun a second ago, and now he seemed angry, like nothing had ever happened. At least he had proof that Scott did have other emotions apart from anger. "I came to talk about yesterday."

"Yesterday? What is there to talk about?" You could hear the venom drip from every word he spoke.

Jimmy could see a hint of worry in Scott's eyes but ignored it and tried his best to explain. "You-You hugged me. I want to know why; you've always hated me. So why? Why did you hug me?"

Jimmy started to feel like he had made a mistake coming to Rivendell when Scott looked at him, he no longer saw worry in his eyes, fury took over. "Never speak of that again! You hear me Jimmy?! Never mention what happened! I was vulnerable, ok?!"

Jimmy was shocked at the sudden outburst, but then again, what was he expecting from the cold-hearted elf? "I-I'm sorry...I just wanted answers." He almost whispered, but Scott seemed to hear.

"Leave Jimmy. Never speak of what happened to anyone. Don't tell a soul!" Then he slammed the door in Jimmy's face. Well that didn't go as planned.

Jimmy felt a tear roll down his face, making him shiver from the sudden feeling on his almost frozen face. He decided to just leave, there was no point staying if Scott didn't want to talk to him. He sighed and turned around to leave. Little did he know that a curtain blue haired elf was watching through his window as the sad Cod Father disappeared into the distance.


Jimmy wasn't ready to go home yet, he wanted to talk to Lizzie, ask her what she thought. Lizzie was always there when he needed her and gave the best advice.

One sided (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now