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It had been about a week of Scott teaching Jimmy how to land as gracefully as the elf and to both of their surprise, the Codfather seemed to be improving. He wasn't as good as Scott just yet, but at least he wasn't crashing into things as he tried to land.

Scott watched from the ground as Jimmy did a loop in the sky, then let himself freefall, gliding safely to the ground. The elf smiled as Jimmy landed in front of him. "You did it!"

When the realization finally hit him, he gave a huge smile and ran over to Scott, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Scott's smile grew and he wrapped his arms around Jimmy.

"You're welcome."

Jimmy then pulled away, a cheeky look on his face. "See? It wasn't that hard was it?" He teased as he recalled a week ago when Scott had turned down the opportunity to teach him.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." The Rivendell King rolled his eyes at Jimmy. The Codfather chuckled as Scott just watched, slightly annoyed. After a little while, a smile slowly crossed his face.

"Hey, uh... Scott?"


"Do-Do you want to maybe g-go on a date?" Jimmy had finally gotten the confidence to ask him.

Scott's expression changed to anger, the cold-hearted elf was back. "Why would I go on a date with you?" He quickly flew off, heading back to Rivendell, leaving Jimmy standing there speechless.

Scott had acted without thinking once again, not realizing what he had done until he reached Rivendell, swinging the doors open and angrily stomping up to his room. Yes he was still angry, but for a different reason. Why had he yelled at Jimmy like that? Scott had ruined any chances he ever had now, Jimmy was probably mad at him.


Jimmy curled up into a ball on his bed, a tear falling down his face. Why did he think Scott would like him back? It was stupid to think that a cold-hearted elf was capable of liking someone. He was now back to his old self, Scott probably didn't want to see him again now, not even as friends. He had really messed up now.

He stayed in that same spot for hours, not daring to move a muscle. His face was wet with tears at the thought that he might never be able to hang out with Scott again.


The next day a meeting was called by the Ocean Queen. Scott didn't really want to go, not feeling up to interacting, but he decided he better if he wanted to hear what was said at the meeting.

The elf forcefully pulled himself out of bed and got ready to go to the meeting, hoping to talk to Jimmy about why he had yelled at him. When he was ready, he set off, flying towards the Ocean Empire.

Scott gracefully landed in front of the doors leading to the meeting, opening them and walking in. He looked around until he saw the only spare seat next to Jimmy. The elf gave a small smile before wiping it off his face so no one saw.

He walked over and took a seat, the Codfather never even looking in his direction once. In a hushed whisper so only Jimmy could hear, Scott began to talk, "Jimmy, we need to talk about yesterday."

Jimmy still didn't turn his head. "There's nothing to talk about, you made your point clear. I won't bother you again." Although Jimmy was slightly angry at Scott for yelling at him, he was more hurt than anything.

"Jimmy, please."

Jimmy finally turned his head towards Scott, a slightly annoyed yet sad expression on his face. "I'm trying to listen to Lizzie, so if you don't mind." He then turned back to face his sister who was talking about why they were gathered.


After the meeting was over, Scott left the building as quickly as he could. He had to talk to Jimmy so he was waiting at the door for the blonde to walk out.

Jimmy left a little while after, walking out the doors, hoping to avoid Scott, but all plans failed when he was grabbed and dragged around the side of the building. "Scott! Why did you do that! I need to get back to the Swamp Empire."

"Please Jimmy, just hear me out." Scott had a pleading look in his eyes.

"You've made it pretty clear what you want, so I don't know what else there is to-" Jimmy's eye were wide in shock, he was cut off by lips touching his. So many thoughts were swirling in his head, he didn't know what to think anymore. Eventually he closed his eyes, melting into the kiss.

Scott slowly pulled away, stopping inches from Jimmy. "I've never been any good at expressing my feelings, I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Jimmy smiled and pulled Scott into a hug. "No I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to explain." Scott smiled and wrapped his arms around Jimmy.

Scott suddenly pulled away, a stern look on his face. He pointed his finger up to Jimmy. "The same rules still apply, don't tell a sole." He jokingly poked Jimmy's shoulder with his finger, a slight smile appearing on his face.

Jimmy held his arms up in surrender. "Of course, I wouldn't dare." They both lowered their hands and started laughing.

"Thank you Jimmy." A more serious expression crossed Scott's face.

"For what?" Jimmy was confused now, why was Scott thanking him?

"For showing me what fun feels like."

One sided (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now