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Jimmy leant his head on Scott's shoulder, closing his eyes and relaxing on the couch. Scott smiled before wrapping his arm around Jimmy and gently pulling him in closer. "Hey Scott?" Jimmy mumbled out, sounding a bit tired.

"Hm?" Scott gave a simple reply.

Jimmy opened his eyes and gently pulled away from Scott so he could look at him as he spoke. "Maybe it's time we tell everyone that we're together?" He suggested, holding a small smile on his face.

Scott tilted his head to look towards Jimmy, his arm still wrapped around him. "Can't we just never tell them? I don't really feel like answering a million questions." He gave a nervous chuckle.

Jimmy sighed, resting his head back down again. "I know, I don't either, but we have to tell them eventually." Although Jimmy didn't want to tell anyone, he knew it was better than them finding out.

"Why don't we tell them in like a year or two?" Scott gave a mischievous smirk. He was being sarcastic, but there was still a part of him that wanted that to be the case.

Jimmy rolled his eyes. "Scott..."

"Yeah yeah, I know. Can we at least give it a week?" Scott was trying his hardest to put it off for as long as he could, but he knew it was either they told everyone or eventually they would find out like Lizzie did. He knew what he preferred.



Rivendell was filled with noise as the meeting hall held confused rulers, everyone chatting about what they expected was going on. They were all trying to figure out why the isolated King had called a meeting, he never and I mean NEVER called any meeting at his Empire.

The thing that confused the rulers the most was that the cyanette who had called the meeting wasn't even there yet. It was his Empire, how was he late? The chatting continued as theories were thrown around about what was going on.

Scott let out a worried sigh as he stood in front of the closed doors, Jimmy standing next to him. "Well, this is it. Just behind those doors is a room full of rulers wanting to know why they are here. Just a couple of steps..." His feet stayed planted to the ground, not daring to move a muscle.

Jimmy could see how tense Scott was, he knew this wasn't easy for him. The blonde curled his hand around Scott's comfortingly. Scott's eyes immediately snapped over to their interlocked hands, a small smile forming.

"We're in this together." Jimmy's comforting words hit Scott's ears, calming him slightly. Jimmy was just as worried as Scott, if not more, but there needed to be one calm one between the two. He needed to comfort Scott while also convincing himself that everything will be ok.

Scott gave a shy nod, indicating that he was ready to go in, although he would never fully be ready to say what he was about to say, he knew he couldn't stall anymore, there was a room full of people awaiting the news.

Together, they pushed the double doors open, walking in, still hand in hand. Silence fell upon the room as everyone turned to see the two rulers walk in. They were now even more confused than ever.

Scott opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was silence. He had never been at a loss for words, he always knew exactly what to say, but for some reason this time was different.

Lizzie's confusion turned into an excited grin as she realized what was happening. She looked around at everyone's still confused faces, feeling special that she was the only one that knew what was about to be said.

Scott turned to Jimmy for assistance, still not being able to form the right words. Jimmy nodded before turning back to the eager crowd. He took a deep breathe before allowing the words to fill the air.

He wasn't sure what their reactions would be, making him a little more nervous as he watched eyes widening as they all turned to one another, making sure they had heard correctly. Jimmy gave Scott a worried glance to which Scott returned a matching one.

It didn't take long for the questions to start rolling in. Some questions were drowned out by others talking over the top of them. The first to question them was shrub, she held an excited smile on her face, much like Lizzie's. "How long have you been together?"

"Didn't you two hate each other?" Joel had to yell over the noise that had erupted in the meeting room, his question nearly being drowned out by many others coming their way. It was exactly how the two expected it to go.

Scott and Jimmy gave each other a knowing look before quickly backing out of the meeting room, everyone quickly got out of their seats, running after them, still yelling more questions for the two to answer.

As soon as they were out, Scott pulled Jimmy around the corner just as everyone burst out of the doors and kept running straight ahead. "That was a terrible idea." Scott stated the obvious, crossing his arms over his chest. "They're acting like fan girls chasing their idol or something."

Jimmy rolled his eyes, turning back to see them searching around the kingdom. "Yep." He sighed and turned back to face Scott, raising his eyebrow. "So, how long do you think they'll keep looking for?"

Scott chuckled, giving a quick glance towards them as well. "No idea."


Thank you all so much for the reads, votes and comments. This is the end of this story, but like I said in the last chapter, I have more Empires/Flower Husbands stories either published or being published soon, so if you want something else to read, you can go check them out.

I hope you all enjoyed!

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