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Jimmy shivered as the cold breeze blew over him, chilling every bone in his body as his wings began freezing over causing the blonde to plummet towards the ground landing with a thud, a groan of pain escaped his lips.

As he attempted to push up from the ground a creek sounded through the wind, signalling the door opening. Footsteps grew closer as the ice King failed to hold in his laughter.

Jimmy turned his head in the elf's direction, giving him the death stare which just made Scott laugh harder seeing the Codfather attempt an angry expression. Jimmy rolled his eyes and continued pushing off from the cold ground.

Scott eventually came over and held out his hand, Jimmy smiled and graciously accepted it, the elf pulling him to his feet. Jimmy let go and brushed off the snow from his clothes. "Why is it amusing to you watching me fall out of the sky?" He looked up, a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

A subtle smirk appeared across Scott's face. "Why do you keep falling out of the sky?" He gave a small chuckle.

Jimmy groaned in annoyance, crossing his arms. "I can't control it if my wings decide to freeze because of your freezing cold Empire!" He slightly raised his voice to emphasize his point although it was sort of a joke.

"Aww, is the fish cold?" Scott mocked as Jimmy received a slight shiver due to the atmosphere around them.

Jimmy glared at the elf. "What do you think? I'm out here in the snow."

"Alright, alright." Scott stepped aside, letting Jimmy walk into the warmth of his house. Jimmy immediately felt the cold air around him disperse, leaving only warmth as he walked through the door.

The sound of the wind faded away as the door closed behind them. Scott walked up behind Jimmy, startling him. "So, I suppose I shouldn't be laughing since I have no emotion, right?" A smile grew on his face.

Jimmy turned to face Scott. "Sorry, but I had to act normal, unless you want the whole world to know that the cold-hearted, isolated elf is actually a fun, soft-hearted King." The sarcasm in his voice dripped from every word as Jimmy winked at Scott.

Scott crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "So you're saying this is 'normal?'"

"Wha-no I...um-you see-"

Scott lowered his arms back to his sides. "Relax, I already suspected as such since Lizzie did come by trying to get me to be nice to you." He let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, right."

One sided (Scott x Jimmy)Where stories live. Discover now