Sneaking around

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Sorry if the plot is starting to feel a little rushed, I am starting to wrap up the story, the next chapter will be the last one.

If you want something else to read, you can go check out my other Empires/Flower husbands stories. I also have some stories that I haven't published yet, so some of them might be published once this story is finished.



"I knew it!" Lizzie had a huge smirk plastered on her face as she watched the two part, sharing a look of shock. They hadn't expected to be interrupted, when they had arrived, they hadn't seen anyone.

Scott and Jimmy had made the mistake of thinking they were sneaky enough to get away with being affectionate in public when they thought no one was around, but turns out, Lizzie being Lizzie, just HAD to watch their every move.

Ever since the incident at the Cod Empire when Lizzie had nearly caught them, she had been paying close attention to everything they did. She was about to give up, until she noticed them sneaking off together after another meeting.

She followed behind them, this time being more careful to not get caught. They had led her to an opening amongst the trees. It seemed abandoned, the perfect place for them to sneak around if it wasn't for a certain pink haired Queen.

"Um..."Jimmy seemed conflicted, turning his head back and forth between Scott and his sister. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain this. At least when Lizzie had been at the Cod Empire they were able to say they were confusing her, but she had just caught them kissing, there was no way of getting out of this one.

Scott stood next to Jimmy, unsure of what to do. No one had ever seen him happy and having fun except Jimmy, and now Lizzie had seen him kissing someone, but even worse, that 'someone' was her brother.

Lizzie's smirk didn't leave her face as she watched in amusement. "So... Are you two like together together?" She held excitement in her voice, awaiting their answer eagerly as the two shared a look of confusion and worry.

They both turned back to Lizzie, Jimmy's expression showing embarrassment at being caught, while Scott's expression turned ice cold, his embarrassment masked by his deathly stare he was giving Lizzie.

Jimmy noticed his sudden change in mood and decided to try and calm him down. He gently placed his hand on Scott's shoulder, giving a small smile towards him. "Scott..." Scott immediately whipped his head towards Jimmy, his expression softening slightly upon seeing him.

Lizzie watched in amazement, to her knowledge, no one had ever been able to calm Scott down. Once he was angry there was no stopping his shouting and yelling. It was intriguing for Lizzie to be watching something not many others had seen, it was like she was seeing a new side of him.

The two seemed to be having a wordless conversation. Jimmy sent a nod in Lizzie's direction, indicating that they may as well tell her since she had caught them kissing. Scott immediately shook his head, he wasn't ready for people to know yet.

Scott let his eyes wonder over to Lizzie's eager expression. At seeing how excited she was to get an answer he realized that Jimmy was right, there was no getting out of this one, she had already seen too much.

He slowly let his eyes fall back on Jimmy, giving a slight nod to indicate that he was ready, although he didn't feel ready, he knew it was what they had to do. Jimmy smiled, releasing his hold from Scott's shoulder and lowering his hand down to his side, taking Scott's hand in his.

The sudden action caused Scott to turn his head down, staring at their interlocked hands, before allowing himself to relax and turn his head back to Lizzie. That was all the confirmation she needed to know what their answer was.

Suddenly a realization hit her. "So... When you two were at the Cod Empire, were you really joking around and having fun, or were you just putting on an act like you said you were?"

Jimmy was reminded of when they had first landed in the Swamp and Scott was teasing him about not being able to land, despite his practice with Scott. Jimmy gave a guilty smile. "We didn't know you were there until I saw pink hair when I went to check what the noise we heard was."

After explaining to Lizzie what had happened that day and answering all of her questions, to which Scott tried to keep as vague as possible, they decided to approach her with keeping it a secret.

Although she now knew, they still weren't ready for the crowd of people and questions that would come along with everyone else knowing. They might tell a selective few people in the future, but for now it was only Lizzie who, after a few complaints, agreed to keep their secret.

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