Suspicious behaviour

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Sorry for the long wait on this chapter, I had exams last week and had to concentrate on them, but they are over now so I am able to start writing again.

I'll try to get a few chapters ahead so I can gradually post them and not fall behind again.


Over the next few weeks everything seemed to be going great for the two. They would go over to each other's Kingdoms, sneak off together after meetings, and hang out at any chance they got.

There were a few times when they were nearly caught, sometimes Lizzie would come over to see her seabling and catch Scott there, but they made it out like he was there to yell at Jimmy. Other times rulers would come over to trade with Scott, they acted as if Jimmy came to try to befriend the 'cold-hearted' elf once again.

After a while of this strange behaviour from the two, some of the other rulers were starting to become suspicious, thinking it was weird that they seemed to always be together even if they said Scott was just yelling at Jimmy, or Jimmy was still trying to become friends with Scott.


Another meeting had just come to an end and everyone pooled out of the hall, parting ways back to their Empires. Lizzie was about to leave as well, but something caught her eye as she left the building.

She just caught a glimpse of cyan hair and the back of a cod head disappearing around the corner. Her curiosity peaked as she found herself wondering why the two were together yet again.

Lizzie was about to follow, but was stopped when someone came up behind her. "Hey, you ready to go?" Her and Joel always flew back together because there Empires were so close.

Lizzie spun around, plastering a fake smile on her face. "Uh, sorry Joel, is it ok if we don't fly back together today? I just remembered I needed to talk to Jimmy about something."

Joel looked at her with a confused look before finally answering. "Yeah, sure. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just need to talk to him, I'll catch you later?" But before Joel could even answer her, she had opened her wings and shot off in the direction she thought the two had gone in.

"Yeah, I guess?" Joel was left just standing there confused for a second before he decided to head back to his Empire, deciding it wasn't worth fussing over.

Lizzie could just see two figures flying in the distance, almost out of eyesight. She looked around and realized she knew where they were going, the route having been taken many times before.

She quickly shot down to the ground when the familiar lands of the Swamp Empire come into view, she couldn't be seen in the air when they landed so she would have to travel the rest of the way on foot.

Not too far ahead she saw Scott gracefully land on the swampy lands, Jimmy tumbling after him.

Lizzie sneakily crept forwards, making sure to stay out of sight. She needed to get closer so she could hear what was happening.

As she came into earshot, she heard Scott's chuckling as Jimmy attempted to stand. Lizzie's anger boiled over, she got ready to storm over to Scott to give him a piece of her mind but something stopped her.

"After all that training and you still can't land on your feet?" Scott's chuckling slowly dissolved into nothing.

This made Lizzie confused, she thought Scott was teasing her brother, but it seemed they were joking around?

"Whatever." From where Lizzie was hunched over, she couldn't see Jimmy's face, but she knew he was rolling his eyes just by the sound of his voice.

Scott smiled and leant his hand out for Jimmy to grab hold of which he graciously accepted, pulling himself up from the floor.

Lizzie was so confused, she had never seen the Elf smile let alone laugh. He seemed genuinely happy for a change.

They started heading inside, closing the door behind them.

Lizzie crept towards the building, ducking under the window so they couldn't see her. she attempted to move along the wall towards their voices, but accidently stood on something hard. She looked down and noticed it was a stick.

The door opened and Lizzie quickly backed away and turned the corner.

"Hello?" Jimmy called out from the doorway.

"It was probably just an animal or something." Lizzie could just hear Scott call from his place inside the building.

The door slowly began closing as Lizzie heard Jimmy's reply. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Just letting you all know that after this chapter I'm going to be reposting my older chapters with some slight changes and editing.

You don't have to re-read them if you don't want to, there aren't any major changes.

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