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As Jimmy was walking back inside, he got a quick glimpse of pink hair disappearing around the corner. He quickly closed the door and walked back over to Scott.

"Jimmy? What's wrong?" Scott could tell there was something up with Jimmy, but he didn't know what.

Jimmy lifted his finger up to his mouth, signalling for Scott to be quiet. In a hushed voice, Jimmy began explaining. "Lizzie's here."

"What!? Why would she-"

"Shh. I don't know how much she heard or saw." Jimmy quickly quietened him so Lizzie wouldn't hear.

Scott nodded, then an evil smirk crossed his face. "Follow my lead." Scott stepped slightly back so he wasn't so close to Jimmy. "How many times do I have to tell you we will never be friends!"

Jimmy smiled, having an idea of his own. "What's wrong with having friends?" Jimmy started making his way over to the back door, bringing his finger up to his mouth, indicating for Scott not to mention his sudden movement in the opposite direction.

"It's you I don't want to be friends with! I have other friends! You-" Scott kept rambling on, trying to allow for Jimmy to exit through the door without Lizzie hearing.

Lizzie peered over the side of the window, wondering what the sudden change in attitude was.

Jimmy came up behind her and stopped, a cheeky grin on his face. "Hi Lizzie."

Lizzie immediately jumped and spun around to see her brother staring back at her. Her expression was one of confusion, wondering how he was fighting with Scott and creeping up on her.

She turned back to the window, realizing the yelling had stopped. Staring back at her was none other than Scott, his arms crossed and an angry expression on his face.

"Oh, hey guys..." She nervously stood up so she was face to face with her brother. "Fancy seeing you here..."

"Well it is my Empire so..." Jimmy teased.

Jimmy and Scott had different views on the way to intimidate Lizzie. Scott decided it was best to just stare at her through the window with a stern look on his face, while Jimmy tried to be light hearted and teasing towards her.

"So... Um..." Lizzie turned her head back to the window, immediately turning back to her brother when she was met with a stern look from Scott. "Did you know the whole time? Is that why you were both being friendly, then suddenly yelling?"

Jimmy's eyes widened as he turned his head to Scott for permission. This was their chance to tell her, but Jimmy wouldn't dare say anything unless Scott said otherwise. It was Scott that wanted this a secret, so it was up to Scott to decide when people found out.

Scott's eyes narrowed, giving a quick glance towards Jimmy before looking back at Lizzie. "Yes." Lizzie, without realizing it, had given Scott and Jimmy an out to not telling her about what was really happening.

Jimmy nodded, realizing the elf still wasn't ready, then turned back to Lizzie. "I finally convinced Scott to come over so I could show him how great having a friend could be." He then glared at Scott. "It took a lot of convincing."

Scott glared back for a second, then turned his attention to Lizzie. "We decided to confuse you when we noticed you were following us." He added to Jimmy's story.

"Oh..." Her expression then changed to a slightly more happy look. "At least you two agreed on something for once." A small smile crossed her lips.

"Lizzie!" Jimmy glared at his sister.

She gave her brother a sheepish look before looking over to Scott, quickly averting her gaze elsewhere when she saw the angry look he gave her. "Well, I guess I better be going then..."

"Yes, you should." Scott spoke from his place at the window. Lizzie turned to look at Scott, instantly regretting it when she saw the murderous, unblinking eyes staring back at her.

After saying bye to her brother and giving a quick glance towards Scott, Lizzie left the awkward situation immediately, flying back to her Empire.  

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