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Jimmy had decided that the best way to keep Scott's secret was to act normal, and for Jimmy 'normal' was going to the Ocean Empire a couple times a week to complain about Scott's cold-hearted personality to his sister. "Why can't he just be nice for once in his life, it's not that hard." Jimmy was complaining as Lizzie tried to comfort him.

"Why don't you just leave him alone? It's obvious he doesn't want friends." Although Lizzie knew he wouldn't back down that easily, it was still worth a try.

Jimmy sighed. "I want to prove that he is capable of emotions apart from anger."

"Jimmy maybe you should-" She began, but was cut off when someone landed behind Jimmy, a worried expression slowly made its way onto her face.

Jimmy watched her, confused. "Lizzie? Why'd you stop talking?"

"Because of me." Scott crossed his arms, a stern expression on his face. Jimmy slowly turned, knowing that Scottish accent anywhere.

"Oh, hey Scott." Jimmy gave a small smile, trying to act normal.

Scott stared daggers at Jimmy for a second, then turned back to face Lizzie. "I'm here for the prismarine." He slowly lowered his arms by his side.

"Oh, right. I'll be right back." She gave an apologetic look towards Jimmy and left. She didn't want to leave the two together in fear that Scott would say something nasty towards her brother again, but she had to get the prismarine.

As soon as Lizzie left, Scott's expression softened slightly. "So... I'm not capable of any emotion other than anger, huh?" He said in a joking tone.

"You-You heard that?" Jimmy turned his head down, embarrassed.


Lizzie walked back into the room, carrying the prismarine. "Sorry I took so long, I had to remember what chest I put them in."

As soon as Lizzie entered, Scott's stern expression re-appeared. "It's fine, here's the wool." They exchanged goods and Scott turned to walk out, mouthing a quick 'bye' to Jimmy before flying off.

As soon as he was gone Lizzie turned to face Jimmy, guilt written all over her face. "Sorry for leaving you with him, was he mean while I was gone? If he was I'm gonna kill-"

"No!" Lizzie gave him a strange look. "I mean no, he wasn't mean, we just stood in silence."


"Well I better go..." Jimmy turned around to leave the awkward situation, flying in the direction of Rivendell. 

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