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Katherine had called another meeting at the Overgrown to check how the other kingdoms were going. Jimmy was sitting at the long table talking to his sister, while Joel was off talking to some of the other rulers.

Jimmy was starting to get worried because there was still one person who wasn't there yet. The ice King. Scott had never been that late to a meeting before, so the fact that he wasn't there yet worried Jimmy.

"Jimmy? Helloooo?"

Jimmy snapped out of his thoughts to look at his sister. "Wha-oh, sorry." He tried to forget about Scott and concentrate on what Lizzie was saying, but there was still a part of him that was worried about where the elf was.

"Wacha thinking about?" Lizzie's curiosity got the better of her and she found herself wondering what had gotten her brother so deep in thought.

"Oh... Uh... N-Nothing..."

"It wouldn't have anything to do with Scott not being here yet, would it?" A smirk formed on Lizzie's face. She knew her brother too well.

"N-No! Why would that matter? He's shown he doesn't care about me anyway, so why should I care whether he's here or not?" Jimmy decided he was going to make Lizzie think Scott was still the same cold-hearted elf, it was obvious that Scott didn't want anyone to know any different, so it was up to Jimmy to help him out.

"I don't know, you tell me." Lizzie shrugged.

Suddenly the door flung open, and Scott stormed in, a stern expression on his face. After looking around, he made his way over to sit next to Jimmy. A smile crept onto Jimmy's face. "Hey Scott!"

Scott turned to look at Jimmy with a neutral expression. "Hi."

Lizzie watched the two, a mix of an angry and pitiful expression on her face. she didn't understand why Scott was so cold-hearted. It wasn't that hard to be kind to someone, was it? Even Lizzie of all people still knew when to be nice.


After the meeting was over, Scott started heading out, getting ready to leave, until Jimmy came up behind him. "Hey Scott!"

Scott turned around to see Jimmy smiling. He looked around to see if anyone saw them, but most people had left and the ones who were still there were in the meeting hall.

Scott gave a small smile, then grabbed Jimmy's arm and led him around the side of the building where no one would see them. "Hey!"

"Sorry about the other day when Lizzie came by..."

"It's ok, you weren't the only one laughing." Scott chuckled. Jimmy's smile slowly faded when he realized that he still didn't know why Scott hated him so much when they first met. "Jimmy? Are you ok?"

"Oh, yeah... S-Sorry I was just thinking about..."

Scott's expression saddened as well when he saw Jimmy's sad face. "About what?" he watched in concern as Jimmy lowered his gaze to the ground.

"Wh-Why did you hate me when we f-first met?"

"Oh Jimmy, I didn't hate you." Scott wrapped Jimmy in a comforting hug. "I just thought it would be easier if I pushed everyone away, but you've showed me that having friends is good. Thank you..." Scott quietly sniffed as a tear dropped down his face.

"Are you-Are you crying?" Jimmy was shocked, even though he had proven the so called 'cold-hearted' elf had emotions, he still had never seen Scott cry before.

Scott quickly pulled away, wiping the tear from his eye. "What! N-No! Shut up!" Jimmy let out a small chuckle. "It's not funny!"

"Ok, ok, chill. I'm sorry." By that point Scott was staring daggers at Jimmy. "Why don't we go hang out at my Empire?"

Scott's expression softened. "Sure." He gave a small smile before they both extended their wings and shot off in the direction of the Swamp Empire.

Even though they flew in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence, in fact it was quite peaceful, both of them enjoying the others company.

As they flew, Scott was thinking through what had happened within the last couple of days. Why was he being so nice to Jimmy? Yeah he could easily say it was because Jimmy was being friendly to him, but for Scott, he had never lowered his guard for anyone, not even the other Emperors when they tried befriending him when they first met.

Even with Jimmy when they had first met, he was so harsh towards the Cod Father. So what was so different now? Why was he so happy whenever Jimmy was around?

Jimmy couldn't stop thinking about Scott. Could he really like the elf? Was he really straight? Emotions were swirling through his head. He didn't know what to think anymore.

Jimmy was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something hit him, causing him to yell out in pain. "Wow, you were so deep in thought that you didn't even see the wall." Scott rolled his eyes at the clumsy fish boy.

"Wha-" Jimmy slowly looked around to see that he had flown headfirst into the side of his house, luckily not hard enough to seriously injure himself. "But we were just-" He used the wall to gently pull himself up and brush himself off. "When did we-"

Scott chuckled. "What were you thinking about that made you zone out so much that you didn't even know we were here?"

"N-Nothing!" Jimmy quickly sped walked past Scott and into his house.

"Hey! Wait up!" Scott ran after him, confused at why the ruler was so secretive. He entered the building and walked over to were Jimmy was sitting on the couch, sitting down next to him. "What was that about?"

"N-Nothing... I was just trying to figure something out, that's all."

"Ok?" Scott could tell from the way that Jimmy was avoiding eye contact that he wasn't being completely honest, but he decided to let it go, he couldn't make Jimmy tell him what he was thinking, that was up to Jimmy and Jimmy alone to tell. "So... What should we do?"

A smirk grew on Jimmy's face. "You could teach me how to land without crashing?" even though he knew this would annoy Scott, he still decided to try and ask anyway, it couldn't hurt to ask, right?

"Absolutely not!" The elf's expression changed to annoyance.

"Oh come oooon." Jimmy whined. "Why not?" He had a cheeky grin on his face as he watched Scott intently, waiting for a reply.

"I don't do 'teaching.'" The ice king mocked.

"Well it's time to start then." Jimmy grabbed hold of Scott's arm and pulled him up from the couch, dragging him outside with many complaints from the elf. Once they were outside, Jimmy let go of Scott. "Well? What do I do first?"

Scott smirked. "Ok, first you jump into the sky, then-" Jimmy watched excitedly. "Land without crashing." Jimmy playfully slapped Scott's arm, a frown on his face. "What was that for?" Jimmy just glared at him.

"Ok, ok, fine." Scott rolled his eyes. "Follow me." Then he shot up into the cool air and did a loop, slowly gliding back down and landing outside Jimmy's house once again. Scott turned around to watch Jimmy attempt the same.

The Cod Father flew up and did a loop, not as clean as Scott's though, then flew straight at the floor, falling over. "I did it..." The ground muffled his speech, but Scott heard what he said.

"Yeah, you did it." Scott said in a sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes.

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