|| Chapter 2 || But Most Of All... ||

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Tommy wiped his face again but more droplets of rain clung to his face, he stared at the bustling city and all the lights scaring away the merciless monsters in the dark. He frowned in annoyance and stood up. Tubbo and Ranboo looked at him in confusion, his once bright blue eyes but now dull stared back at them. He blinked, turned away and started walking, Tubbo and Ranboo quickly catching up with him.
"What's wrong Tommy?" Tubbo asked as his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
Tommy sighed and stopped himself from rolling his eyes. "Nothings wrong, I'm just sick of this rain!" He kicked a stone away and stopped, clenching his fists. It was eerily silent..and Tubbo didn't like it.
"Im sick of living like this! I don't want to live on the streets, barely being able to survive! I want a home, I want a family, I don't want to live like this anymore!" Tears threatened to slide down his face but Tommy inhaled and exhaled deeply and the tears ran back to where they belong. "But most of all..." he barely whispered, "I want my brothers back.."
Tubbo's eye were full of concern, luckily he didn't hear the last part. He trapped Tommy in a hug and Tommy quickly wrapped his arms around Tubbo's waist and cried silently into his shoulder. Ranboo hugged them both, a little unsure of what to do despite this happening almost frequently.


Wilbur rolled his eyes as da-phil slammed his door in his face.
"Take a walk Wil, stop playing minecraft for once in your life!" Wilbur heard a slight laugh as phil finished his sentence. He walked away, kicking any stick or rock he came across. He didn't know where he was going, he didn't really care if he got lost anyway. Eventually he found himself coming out of the woods and the sight before him shook him.
3 boys sitting down, slumped against eachother leaning on the back of a bus stop. The middle was tall, blonde curls, wearing a disgusting red and white shirt that needed washing asap. His jeans were badly ripped and his knees were very bruised. Poor kid, Wilbur thought. On the right was a black and white, tall endermen creature? He had little purple particles coming out from his back it looked like. Wil was a little confused but didn't really care. On the left was a short, brown haired boy with a green shirt and a bee sleeping on his shoulder. Bee boys head was leaning on disgusting t-shirt blondie's shoulder and so was the tall two toned boy-creature. Blondie's head was on top of bee boys head.
They look homeless..and disgusting.. Wil thought looking directly at the blonde boy. He looked down and noticed they were lightly holding hands with eachother, a small smile grew on his face. He walked away slightly and pulled his phone out to call dad. He frowned when Phil declined. He called again and Phil declined. Wil was very tempted to throw his phone in the river nearby. He called again and Phil finally picked up.
"What do you want mate-"
"Dad! I've uhhhh..." he suddenly realised how weird it would be to explain it. "Just track my phone and come here, I've found something I want to show you."
He could hear something in Phil's voice but couldn't figure it out what it was. Maybe..he didn't believe him..? "Why mate? Why can't you just bring it home?"
Wil sighed in exasperation. "Because I need your help dad! Just come here, stop asking questions!"
And with that he hung up and slipped his phone back into his pocket. It would probably be a long time before dad actually came so he sat down against a tree trunk and watched the 3 boys sleep. His eyes sometimes shifted towards the river which was called 'Lethe', he had no idea why though; and the cliff but he quickly averted them back towards the red shirted blondie. He didn't know why he felt such a connection towards him, if there was he couldn't remember. He glanced down towards his stomach and lifted his shirt slightly to see the scar that looked like a sword or an axe had cut across his stomach. He still had no idea why it was there.
He looked up at the stars and easily identified all the constellations and planets. He was always into astronomy. Wilbur closed his eyes briefly and was rushed into a memory he had no recollection of or control over.

"Ooohh! What's that shiny star there Wilby?!" A blurry small figure exclaimed from beside Wilbur as they pointed up towards a planet. Wilbur laughed that sounded very forced, and uncontrolled.
"That's not a star ṯ&@#§-" the entire world glitched, shaked and.. malfunctioned when he said the blurry figures name.. Everything else faded away, Wilbur was left in darkness with only the blurry figure staring at him. Wilbur felt uneasy, then slightly shocked as the figures dull eyes began flowing tears down their cheeks. Wilbur reached out a hand to wipe away their tears but the same sensation of shaking and glitching came back...
"That's not a star ṯ&@#§.. that's the planet Saturn!" Wilbur smiled at the figure uncontrollably.

Wilbur's eyes opened quickly as he inhaled and exhaled quickly and out of control. He always had memories like this so why was this one affecting him so badly? He slowly calmed down his breathing and looked around at his surroundings. Everything was...the same.
"Wilbur?" Phil looked down at him as he came out from behind the tree Wilbur was leaning on. Wilbur stood up abruptly.
"Uh, hey dad."
"Sooo...what's this surprise you're showing-" his bright green eyes locked onto the 3 teenagers. "...oh." He said then laughed at himself. Wilbur couldn't manage a full smile so he half smiled.
"Could we take them in..? They look fucked up."
Phil laughed again at wil's words then grinned at him. "Sure mate."


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