|| Chapter 9 || This Is A Dream...||

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"Please Wilbyyy! Pleeaaaaaaase!" Tommy clasped his hands together and pouted, trying to make his eyes the puppy eyes.
Wilbur rolled his eyes "No."
"Awwweeeeee please, PLEASE!" Tommy begged on his knees now, being overly dramatic.
"I only play minecraft with cool people." Wilbur inspected his nails that were painted red and white due to Tommy daring him to let him paint Wilbur's nails, to which he said were "decent."
Tommy groaned "but im cool! I'm the coolest, biggest man you know!" His eyes were beginning to water. Wilbur's eyes widened slightly, not expecting Tommy to be this passionate about a block game.
"N-no. And thats final." Wilbur internally cringed at himself for stuttering.
"Fine, I'll ignore you for as long as I live!" He stomped away sobbing, making it extra loud to rub it in.
Aaaaaand there goes the door, and Tommy's probably gonna go cry to dad, Wilbur thought just as he heard Tommy sobbing and Phil's muffled voice.
"Is Wilbur being an arse again Toms?"
"Yeah, hes n-not playing m-minecraft with me!" Tommy dramatically hugged Phil and cried into his chest. Phil rolled his eyes and stroked the back of Tommy's golden head.
"This is the 6th time this week." Phil whispered to himself, disappointed in how bad Tommy was at fake crying. "Alright mate, stop being a child and go play minecraft. I'll get Wilbur to play with you." He sighed.
"Im not a child!" Tommy retorted hotly.
"Yeah sure whatever." Phil brushed Tommy's anger aside as he walked after Wilbur. Tommy quickly forgot about the insult as he eagerly rushed away to set up minecraft.

Tommy gritted his teeth as his fingers quickly tapped multiple buttons on his controller making his minecraft character run around and spam snowballs on the other players. He screamed out a noise only Tommy could make as a player knocked him into the lava and set him into spectator mode. Conveniently Wilbur walked into the room just as Tommy threw his controller at the bean bag next to him.
"I-what happened Tommy?" Wilbur said in slight disbelief.
"This fucking prick knocked me off and won the game!" He spat, anger vibrating throughout his entire body.

Wilbur sighed as he picked up Tommy's controller, gave it to him and then sat down on the bean bag next to Tommy. Tommy shifted over so he was taking up half of his bean bag and patted the space next to him, looking at Wilbur and beckoning him over. Wilbur smiled fondly as he sat on his half. They began to play several mini games with Wilbur winning most of them and Tommy growing more and more bitter.
"Told you I only play minecraft with cool people." Wilbur smirked as he won yet again.
"I'm cool aren't I?"
"Little bit."
"What do you mean 'little bit'? That doesn't even make sense, I am very cool." Tommy muttered that last part as if he didn't believe it himself; rolled his eyes, slouched and crossed his arms.
Wilbur heard the last part though, "I'm kidding Tommy, you're very cool and I'm glad your my brother-" he slapped his hand over his mouth. Tommy's eyes widened, then he grinned and hugged Wilbur.
"I'm glad you're my brother too Wilby!" Adoration flowed throughout his voice. Wilbur hugged him back and ruffled his hair slightly which made Tommy chuckle.
Tommy picked up his controller and locked eyes with his brother, "Bet you can't beat me at skywars!"
"Bet I can!" Wilbur challenged him.

The two boys spent the rest of the day battling in various games, Wilbur winning in skywars and Tommy winning in murder mystery and block hunt. Techno watched them for a little bit before going off to do something 'important'. They carried on having fun.

The sun had just disappeared beyond the never-ending horizon and the moon glowed brightly.
"Tag!" Tommy laughed as he lightly pushed Wilbur's shoulder with the palm of his hand and sprinted outside into the moonlight. Wilbur quickly got up and chased after him.
Tommy's golden hair blew behind him as he ran into the woods, slightly concerned on how fast Wilbur was.

He suddenly stopped, and the whole world slowed down as he froze in place at what he saw.

A netherite axe leaned against the very same tree where Wilbur was almost killed six years ago; and a piece of pater was nailed to the tree with the same smile that the manipulative god had on his mask. Tommy choked down a sob and blinked rapidly but his eyes were not deceiving him.
"It's-it's...it's not real...this is fake, this is a dream....please be a dream..." Tommy whimpered as he pushed his hands firmly against his ears as they rung loudly.

His legs buckled beneath him and he dropped onto his knees, still covering his ears. Tears stained his face once again as he blinked again..and again..and again. But the tears ran faster, the horrific memories flooding back in; voices that weren't his own started whispering in his head. They grew louder until they were almost yelling. Tommy felt overwhelmed, he felt sad, he felt regret, then he felt relief as a familiar hand pushed down firmly on his shoulder. He looked up suddenly to see his oldest brother, Technoblade.

"Tommy, what's going on? Talk to me Tommy!"
His voice sounded so far away but his firm hand kept Tommy grounded, just like Phil's hand did for Techno.
Techno put both of his hands on each shoulder and stared at Tommy.
"Tommy what do you see? What are you hearing?!" Techno spoke sharply.
Tommy breathed shaky breaths then pointed at the axe and paper on the tree. He said nothing more. Techno looked behind him just as Wilbur arrived and quickly instructed him to remove them from Tommy's sight. Wilbur did as he was told then sat down next to Techno.
"It's okay Tommy, breathe with Techno and I." Wilbur spoke firmly to Tommy.

Wilbur and Techno's voice slowly became clearer as he breathed with his brothers and looked over to where the axe used to be; and was relieved to see it gone.

They continued breathing together until the voices were quieter but Tommy still sobbed.
"I hear...I hear..voices in my head Techno.."
Technoblade's eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed in sadness, "I have voices too Tommy, you're not alone."
Tommy widened his eyes now as Techno pulled him into a hug. He cried into his older brothers shoulder. Wilbur hugged them both, and rubbed Tommy's back. Techno played with Tommy's hair which calmed him down tremendously.

"I will do everything in my power to protect you and help you Tommy." Techno whispered.
"Thank you Techno, I don't wanna be alone.." Tommy said through shaky breaths. Eventually Techno picked him up and carried him back to their warm home, away from the monsters in the dark.

Answer the phone~
Harry you're no good alone~
Why are you sitting there on the floor~
What kind of pills are you on~


A/N: o7 Alex/Technoblade. You were an amazing legend that changed and helped so many people's lives. You were an older brother to me, take over the kingdom of heaven for us! 💖

Thank you for 80 reads and 6 votes!

And I will be putting Technoblade in my fan fictions, I don't wanna forget him and Wilbur said in his latest stream to not forget him so I won't! Eat, drink, sleep and take care of yourselves lovelies! 💞

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