|| Chapter 12 || The Sun Had Lost It's Warmth ||

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You know it's not the same~

Tommy sighed as silent tears raced down his cheeks.
"Set my family free. Kill me, do whatever you want to....just don't hurt them. Please." Tommy's quiet voice cracked as he ended his sentence.
Dream grinned with a dangerous glint in his green eyes. He snapped his fingers and Techno let out a sigh of...relief?
"The voices stopped.." Techno mumbled. "Dream was controlling them, you bastard."
Tommy's eyes widened. "So, you were the one that made me hurt myself. You did that."
Wilbur's brown eyes suddenly shot wide open and he turned his head to look at Tommy.
"He did that to you and Techno? Oh~ Dream when I get out of these ropes I'm going to tear you apart." Wilbur promised darkly.

Dream smirked. "You can try, but you will fail. Just like last time. Remember that scar?" Dream lifted his finger and Wilbur's shirt lifted up just enough so everyone could see the scar that was made by Dream's axe. "That was from Tommy. You did that Tommy!"

Tommy's tears ran faster as he wiped his snotty nose on his red sleeve.
"I'm sorry big brother! I didn't mean to!"
"Wha-what are you talking abou-" Then suddenly, it clicked. Tommy is Wilbur's younger brother since birth, not just a random boy they found in the woods. He ran away 6 years ago after feeling guilty for what he accidentally did.

Wilbur remembered.

Wil's eyebrows furrowed in assurance. "It's okay Tommy, it's not your fault." He tried smiling but the pain from his leg made him falter.
Tommy smiled back but Dream stopped his smile by slapping him hard across the cheek. Tommy raised his hand and rubbed his cheek. Techno, Phil and Wilbur death stared Dream.
"Owww, what the fuck was that for?!"
"Make your fucking decision." Dream said, eerily calm.

Tommy's lip trembled. "I already told you, do whatever the fuck you want to me but leave my family alone. Let them go right now."
"That would be foolish." Dream drawled.
Tommy rolled his sky blue eyes.
Dream took hold of his axe, swung it over his shoulder and rested it. He raised one hand and dark clouds flew in fast pouring with rain.
Dream laughed maniacally and walked over to Techno.
"What are you doing there?" He smiled as he fixed and tightened the ropes with a snap of his fingers. Techno groaned.
"Just to let you know who's in control..." Dream said as he took Techno's crown off his head and placed it on his own. He then walked over to Wilbur. He smiled psychopathically.

Dream raised his axe.

But nothing hit Wilbur..?

So then why was Wilbur, dad and Techno yelling and crying?

Why wasn't Dream's axe in his hand?

Why did Tommy feel numb...?

Tommy looked at his chest and there was a large, deep bloody cut. Dream's netherite axe had made itself comfortable in Tommy's heart. His red and white-wait no. His black and whitey-grey shirt was ruined.

Wait, why was he drained of colour?

And why was he taller than Wilbur now? He was floating?!

Tommy looked down.

His coloured self rested on the ground, his dull eyes were wide open. He wasn't blinking....or moving. His cut was bleeding heavily but his black and white one was dried up?

Was he...dead..?!

The silence was so loud. It was too overwhelming.

His oldest brother got out of his ropes, untied his dad and brother and all 3 of them rushed over to Tommy's body.
"Tommy!! Tommy, stay awake for us please! Toms can you hear me?! Blink if you can hear me!" Wilby shouted like he was begging.

Tommy did not blink, he did not move. He was deathly still.

"Tommy-T-Toms please stay with me! You can't leave, I only just remembered!" Wilby continued.

Technoblade stayed silent.

Philza cried silently.

Wilbur grabbed his hair tightly and yelled as loud as he could. Phil rubbed his back and whispered,

"I'm sorry Wil.."

"NO! No! No..it's not your fault." Silence for a couple minutes.
Wilbur turned around and stood up to face Dream. He was facing away from him, clearly unaware of Wilbur.
Wilbur picked up his axe, flipped it in the air, caught it; and began strongly and quickly walking behind Dream. His footsteps were silent and he raised his axe.
Wilbur swung down his axe but was shocked to realise Dream had blocked it with his shield.
"But-how did you-you didn't see-"
Dream pushed him backwards with too much force that was human like and Wilbur landed on the ground roughly.

Phil looked over at him, gave him a sad smile then turned his head back towards Tommy. Techno had not said a single word, he was combing his fingers gently through Tommy's hair.

Wilbur's strength left him as he stumbled over to Tommy and gently took him out of Techno's hold to cradle him against his chest.

His Tommy was lying there, so still. Deathly still.

His Tommy, the boy who was quick to anger but quicker to laugh.

His Tommy who made his world so much brighter.

His Tommy who's personality was so big.

His Tommy who now had no personality.

His Tommy who was dead...

His Tommy who could've had so much fun with Wilbur once he remembered.

His Tommy who put their hand prints with paint on the wall in the hallway leading to Tommy's room when he was six.

His Tommy who could never do that again.

Suddenly, humming started coming from Wilbur's throat.

Soft, beautiful singing, "go home, get ahead, light speed internet. I don't wanna talk about the way that it was, leave America. Two kids follow her, I don't wanna talk about who's doing it first~
It's your favourite song Tommy, you had it on your record player all the time.." Wilbur sobbed.

Techno held Wilbur's hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb.

Rain and wind hit the three of them from all around. Abusing them, laughing in their faces, calling them pathetic.

The tears wouldn't stop, no one wanted them to stop. Wilbur would've given everything just for Dream to have killed him instead. He tricked them. Of course he did.

Wilbur didn't know anymore if it was tears or rain that was dripping on his broken face.

In those last moments, Wilbur sweared the sun had lost its warmth.

As it was~
You know it's not the same as it was~
As it was~

As it was~

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