|| Chapter 6 || Blood For The Blood God ||

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All 5 of them were now in the lounge/living room, Tommy feeling the most awkward out of all of them. Phil walked in with a tray of hot chocolate mugs and passed them out to all of them. Tommy's mood changed abruptly as he began drinking his hot chocolate, not caring if it burned him.
"Tommy don't, you're going to burn-" Phil sighed as Tommy chugged down his chocolate and wiped his mouth on his blue sleeve. "Absolute child." Phil whispered to techno who hid his smirk as he heard this. Luckily Tommy was too busy talking to Tubbo to hear or see this.
Ranboo's face darkened. "Why did you take us in Phil? You're probably just gonna throw us out once we're healthy and fed.." Tommy and Tubbo's conversation stopped as they turned their heads towards Phil, suddenly considering the reality of their situation.

"We're not kicking you out, we're keeping you." Phil smiled down at the 3 boys. Tommy and Tubbo's faces lit up with excitement as they high fived each other. "Before you start celebrating, there are some rules." Their faces fell as Phil chuckled. "First, I don't want any rampaging and chaotic behaviour that will burn the house down. Second, no burning the house down. Third, I don't trust you 3 home alone so there will always be someone with you. Fourth, listen to me and Techno, whatever we say goes." There were some sounds of annoyance from Wilbur.
"Why am I not in charge?! I'm responsible!"
"You burnt a whole nation down Wilbur."
"It was only Dreams nation, it's fine. He deserved it anyway.." Wilbur said the last part under his breath. Phil and Techno's eyes suddenly widened as they realised Wilbur had mentioned the name that was meant to be unspoken. Phil stood up silently, took Wilbur's hand and proceeded to drag screaming Wil into another room. Techno watched this with no expression which confused Tommy. Perhaps it was normal?

"Can we watch a movie?" Ranboo spoke up. Tommy and Tubbo bolted towards the couch and sat next to each other eagerly. Techno, who was sitting next to them agreed with a nod and used the smart tv in-front of them to turn on Disney+. Tommy and Tubbo proceeded to fight over watching Spider-Man: No Way Home or Bambi. Eventually Ranboo intervened and suggested Sonic The Hedgehog 2 which had animated and live action elements. The both of them agreed.

About 10 minutes later Wilbur and Phil came back it and Phil sat down on the second couch and casually started watching the movie. Wilbur, however made small complaints about being lectured and sat down in between Techno and Tommy.


Wilbur suddenly realises there was a light pressure on his shoulder that had been there for quite some time. He looked over to see a blob of golden, soft curls leaning on his shoulder. It dawned on him that Tommy, the loud child was sleeping on his shoulder. Phil glanced over then back to the tv; his eyes widened as his eyes swerved back over to Wilbur and Tommy. He smiled.
"He likes you Wil."
"Shut up, he's just tired." Wilbur huffed in embarrassment.
"Sure Wil suuuree." Phil rolled his eyes as dadza screamed mentally.

Tubbo had shifted from the couch to next to Ranboo, a blanket covering the both of them as they leaned against the side of the couch. Techno looked at Wilbur amused.

40 minutes later...

Techno closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was struggling to keep the voices entertained, they were beginning to yell for blood. He tried to focus on the movie but was slowly losing his grip on reality. He excused himself and walked as calmly as he could to his room, grabbed his sword, placed it firmly in its sheath and snuck out of the window.
He closed his eyes for a couple seconds before opening them again, his vision red.
The voices screamed excitedly, "BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!! BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD!" Techno groaned loudly as the voices took over his mind. The voices forced him to sprint into the dense, dark forest, manipulating him to be determined to find the person who hurt his family 10 years ago.

Dream punched a tree and kicked at the dirt as he wandered around the forest. (Lmao homeless telly tubby.) Techno spotted him and hid behind the large tree that him and Dream had sat against and conversed yesterday. Dream stabbed the dirt with his netherite sword and yanked it out again. Techno observed him as he wandered around like a lost puppy, what the hell was he doing? Techno surveyed for a little longer before ambushing Dream. Dream was taken aback by surprise but ducked just in time for Techno's blade to swing above him. He rolled sideways and unsheathed his sword.
"Why the fuck are you fighting me Techno?!" Dream yelled as his sword collided with Techno's.
Techno stayed silent as he continued all of his attacks on Dream, with Dream just barely defending himself and trying to create distance. Techno struck his hip and Dream yelled in pain but gritted his teeth and continued fighting. Techno swung at his head again, Dream ducked, and Technos blade was sharp enough to cut some hair off of Dreams head as he ducked.
"STOP IT TECHNO! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Dream screamed desperately.
Techno abruptly stood still and blinked his eyes a couple times. Dream quirked his eyebrows in confusion. Techno's eyes widened and his eyebrows quirked up in sorrow...or sympathy? He smiled apologetically at Dream, turned away and ran into the darkness; his red cape blowing behind him.
Dream stared in shock after him, he was going to demand an explanation once he sees Techno again...even if it meant forcing it out of him.

Techno sneaked back into his room and placed his blade in its stand then proceeded to walk casually back into the living room/lounge. He sat down next to Wil and continued watching the movie, the voices groaning in disappointment. Techno ignored them.


A/N: WOOO!! More angst and stuff and shit! Hope you all are enjoying, maybe vote?! 💖✨

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