Summary ⚠️ SPOILERS ⚠️

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This is just a short summary of the story in case anyone was really confused.

Tommy was 10 years old when it all started. Dream is the antagonist and is constantly trying to kill the sbi family. When Tommy was 10 Dream came back and attacked them. Tommy accidentally slashed wilbur with a sword. It healed and he was fine but because of the trauma Tommy ran away because he was scared.
Because of the trauma, Wilbur lost his memories of Tommy and continued his life with techno and Phil as normal.
Tommy found friends and survived on the streets and in the woods, 6 years later the sbi found them, took them in and took care of them. Tommy was upset that wilbur couldn't remember him. (He's been 16 the entire time, apart from chapters 1, 10 and 15. Chapter 1 is a memory that Tommy had when they were attacked (aka he was 10 yrs old.)Chapters 10 and 15 were little snippets of the afterlife, Tommy didn't wanna leave his family yet.)
Techno hadn't forgotten anything but dream manipulated him into giving him a second chance.
Dream ambushed the sbi again, Tommy died (sorry c!Tommy kinnie's, I cried while writing his death scene)
Then the story ends with the rest of the boys mourning at his grave.

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