|| Chapter 3 || After 6 Years...||

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Leaning against the doorway, Phil watched the teenager with the red, well-now blue shirt sleep. He looked so peaceful. Phil wondered what Techno would think about this when he came home from whatever he does. He needed to ask him about that later. Then he remembered Wil, and his scar on his stomach. His face darkened when he remembered as he pushed back the memories and held in his silent, hot tears. Phil's eyebrows furrowed as he couldn't understand why he still was close to crying when he thought about it. Maybe it was the fact that it was only 6 years ago when it happened; maybe it was his son that got hurt and he wouldn't have cared if it was a random stranger across the world. Maybe it was-

A sudden groan startled Phil out of his thoughts as he looked up at the boy who had his eyes half opened as he slowly collected himself.


Tommy shouted, "Who the fuck are you?! Where am I?! Get back demo-" Tommy suddenly fell into silence, his eyes wide. He stared at Phil in shock and a confused look washed over Phil's face.
"What's up mate..?"
Tommy exhaled loudly as tears sprang to his eyes uninvited. Phil started to panic as he walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed, next to Tommy. The boy had the blanket over his face as he quietly sobbed, not quiet enough though. Phil watched and waited patiently for the boy to calm down as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Tommy slowly pushed the blanket down so his face was shown to the world, the very fucked up and depressing world that almost seemed like a fairytale.
Tommy breathed in and out shaky breaths. He looked at Phil and opened his mouth to say something, but found he couldn't. Phil stared at him with concern, then that concern turned into shock and realisation. Tears formed in his eyes and slid down his face as he stared at Tommy, not once taking his eyes off him. Confusion flickered on Tommy's face before he was enveloped in a warm hug, the same hug he got when he was 10. Both boys embraced each other as they both finally let it out, all their sorrow, regret, depression, loneliness, all Tommy's pain came out in one, simple hug and a couple dozen tears.

I want you to hold out the palm of your hand~
Why don't we leave it at that~?

Phil finally remembered. His youngest son was here in-front of him. After that fateful night, he didn't see him for 6 years, until now. His son, Tommy, the thing that kept him going for all these years, when everyone kept telling him he was dead but he refused to accept the 'truth'. He was here, not dead, alive and real and in his scarred arms.
Tommy finally, and very slowly let go and smiled at Phil. The first time in 6 years. A smile, the same smile and crooked teeth that always needed braces was shining at Phil. A few tears slid out of Tommy's bright, but dull-at-the-same-time eyes. Phil wiped them away and he smiled back at his son.

Nothing to say~
When everything gets in the way~

"Son..you're back..where were you?" Happiness quickly turned into sternness as dadza kicked in.
"Uhhh....I ran away because I felt so guilty for what I did, I'm so sorry Phil I was too scared to come back." Tommy finally confessed what he had been forcing back. He always told himself he was a big, strong man and it wasn't his fault he left. It was for the greater good he told himself. But that's not true, of course it wasn't, never was.
Phil smiled that amazing smile, "Call me dad, Toms." Tommy smiled.
"Okay dad."


"WHY THE FUCK AM I WEARING A BLUE SHIRT?! Where's my red one?!" Tommy screamed in alarm as he looked around frantically for his beloved shirt.
Phil chuckled. "It's in the wash son." Tommy gasped dramatically.
"You can't do that! That's my beloved shirt, my record of not washing it for 6 years is ruined!" He exclaimed as he held his head in his hands. Phil rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair. Tommy closed his eyes and nuzzled under Phil's touch. Phil was surprised then laughed his dad laugh.
"Your hair is your off button!" He laughed louder which turned into a wheeze as he took his hand off his sons head. Tommy came back to himself quickly.
"What the fuck did you just do?" He questioned in confusion. Phil wheezed.
"I just ruffled your hair and-" he collapsed into wheezing again then calmed himself. "-and you like, turned off! Your hair is your off button!" He laughed as Tommy stared at him in confusion.
"Weirdo." Tommy remarked as Phil chuckled.
Suddenly Phil and Tommy turned their heads towards the doorway as they heard Tubbo shriek.
"Oh no.." Tommy groaned.

Seems you cannot be replaced~

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