|| Chapter 11 || So, What Will It Be..? ||

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Tommy rested his golden head on his hands as he laid back and gazed up at the clear, beautiful sky. Wilbur softly strummed his guitar as Techno sat next to him; his sword rested bravely at his side. He didn't usually bring his sword everywhere but this time he had a gut feeling that something was going to happen. And it wasn't something good.

Tommy started messing around and throwing grass at Technoblade's face to which he just blew away without glancing an eye.
"You are such a child Tommy." He drawled with a half smile.
"No! I'm literally not!" Tommy sat up quickly, gritted through his teeth angrily and crossed his arms.
Techno chuckled and ruffled Tommy's hair which made Tommy laugh.
"How the fuck do you laugh like that Tommy? Fucking hell.." Wilbur muttered under his breath as he frowned at the note he couldn't get right.
"Well I don't have a loud creepy cackle like you do." Tommy rolled his eyes.
Wilbur was too concentrated on playing his guitar to think of a comeback so he stayed silent.

Suddenly a loud yell came from beside Techno which made him jump.
"YES! FINALLY I DID IT!" Wilbur cheered and laughed.
Techno patted him on the back and smiled, "I'm proud of you Wil."
Wilbur smiled back as Tommy groaned.
"God you're so loud Wilby!"
Wilbur snorted at the name.


Technoblade gripped his sword tightly and sat up abruptly as he heard a stick break from behind a tree. He stared directly at the tree and frowned as he waited.

A tall man wearing a porcelain mask that had a creepy smiley face and a few dark blonde hairs sticking out of his green hood suddenly leaped out from the trees with his netherite axe raised high. Techno stood up quickly and his red blade clashed loudly with Dream's.

Wilbur looked up with alarm as he saw the two of them fighting, grabbed Tommy's hand and dragged him a good distance away from the two. He led him behind a couple trees.

"Tommy you need to stay here until I call out that it's safe. Understand?" Wilbur held Tommy's hand.
"But I want to help!" Tommy whined.
"No, you don't know what you're up against, he almost killed me the last time he fought us."

Wilbur sprinted away before Tommy could argue back. Tommy groaned and brought his knees to his chest.
Wilbur grabbed his diamond axe that he used all those years ago for the same reason that he was using it now and raised it high above his head.
He slashed across Dream's mask, it snapped and fell clean to the ground revealing Dream's glowing green eyes.

Dream frowned as he attempted decapitating Wilbur but Techno's blade pushed against his and threw him off balance. He groaned as he hit the soft grass and crushed the flower crown that Tommy made. Techno pushed his blade towards Dream's throat.
"Fuck off Dream. I trusted you, I was friends with you because you said that you were under a spell the last time you attacked. I believed you. Now fuck off before I slit your throat." Technoblade barely whispered into Dreams ear.

"Over my dead body." Dream lifted his finger a centimetre and Techno's blade flew out of his hands and clattered to the ground a few feet away. Techno stared in shock.

"He's the god of manipulation.." Techno whispered to no one.

He quickly stood up and sprinted over to his blade while Wilbur fought Dream to cover him. Techno picked up his blade and dove right back into battle.


Wilbur had his foot pressed firmly on Dream's chest, pinning him to the ground. Dream squirmed underneath him and groaned as Wil pressed harder. The turns tabled when Dream pulled Wilbur close to him and turned them both over so he was trapping Wil to the earth.
Dream held out his hand and his axe appeared in it. He pressed it to Wil's throat.

"HELP!" Wilbur screamed as his life flashed before his eyes.

Suddenly a man with a green bucket hat and oversized black wings flew in from the sky and kicked Dream in the chest. Dream got flung back and hit the ground with a loud thud. His axe, however sliced Wilbur's leg and he screamed out in pain.

"Wilbur! Oh you're gonna fucking regret that you cunt." Philza yelled as he held his sword upside down to plunge into Dream's head but he disappeared.

Nope, of course he wasn't fucking gone; he teleported behind Phil but he was quick enough to avoid the horizontal swing that Dream's axe made. Dream raised his axe high above his head and slammed it down to the ground, narrowly missing by just half a centimetre. Phil glanced behind himself to see Wilbur lying down, holding himself up with his elbow as Techno quickly and skilfully wrapped up his leg with bandages.

Dream pinned Phil down to the ground and cackled which turned into a somehow creepy wheeze.
"I'm just PLAYING WITH YOU! I could've killed you all a thousand times since I first got here!"
Tommy visibly winced behind the tree he was hiding behind, Wilbur shuddered, Technoblade rolled his eyes and Philza groaned underneath Dream.
Dream cackled again and stared into Phil's eyes, his glowing eyes glowed even brighter.


"Tommy?" His fathers voice called out for him. Tommy exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Y-yes dad?" Tommy's voice shook and wavered. He mentally slapped himself for sounding so weak.
"It's okay now, you can come out." His comforting voice made Tommy smile. Phil appeared from the other side of the tree and held out his hand to Tommy. Tommy looked into his old eyes and noticed that they were glowing a bright green instead of the usual sky blue. He frowned slightly but took his hand anyways. It was his dad, his dad would never hurt him!

Tommy felt a flicker of tremendous fear for a moment, but only for a moment.

He took a deep breath and followed as Phil lead him out to where Dream was standing, his elbow leaning on the handle of his bloody axe. Tommy's eyes widened and he desperately tried to pull away and run but Phil's grip had tightened. He glanced over to Wilbur and Techno tied up together with gags in their mouths.


Wilbur was unconscious...

Techno was frowning and subtly trying to cut the rope. Tommy bit his lip and his sky blue eyes watered at the sight of his brothers. He couldn't help them, not while Dream was standing right there.

Phil tossed him to the floor, his eyes still a glowing green, his mouth was forced in a smile but his eyes looked emotionless.
"Tommy, I'm going to tie Phil up with your brothers. If you move even an inch I will not hesitate to decapitate all of them!" Dream yelled and proceeded to tie up and gag Phil. Phil's eyes returned to a sky blue as he came back to himself and looked around frantically. He suddenly realised what was going on.

Tommy whimpered as he cried silently, still sitting down on the grass. Dream walked back over to him, kneeled down and lifted Tommy's chin up with his finger.
"I don't want to hurt you Tommy." A few muffled yells came from Phil and Techno.
Dream rolled his eyes and continued, "I just want to make a deal with you."

In this world~
It's just us~

Tommy nodded and Dream swiftly stood back up.
"I will kill you but the rest of your family can go free. Or I can kill your family and you can go free."
Techno had managed to get one foot untied and his gag out of his mouth, "What if I give you the discs? Then you'll let all of us go free."
Dream thought for a moment then stared into Tommy's soul, "I suppose that could work. But Tommy is the only one who is useful."
"How?!" Techno yelled.
"A manipulation god doesn't share their secrets. So, what will it be?" Dream smirked as he slowly started circling Tommy and rested his axe on his shoulder.

Tommy swallowed and held back a sob.

You know it's not the same as it was~
As it was~
As it was~


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