|| Chapter 5 || Nightmares That Never End ||

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Tommy's golden curls blew slightly in the soft breeze as he hummed softly which got taken away by the light wind. His half dull, blue eyes looked down onto the busy, dark streets below. Some street lights flickered, struggling to fight the monsters in the dark. Tommy swayed his legs back and forth like a grandfather clock, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

The silence was suddenly broken as Wilbur sat down next to him, hanging his legs over the edge just like Tommy, "Hey Tommy, you okay up here?" Tommy glanced over to him as he jumped slightly, not expecting anyone else to come up here.
"Uh, yeah...just didn't think anyone would come up here that's all.." He mumbled. Wilbur nodded and looked at the stars,
"Mercury..Saturn, Jupiter..." He began naming all the planets and constellations his deep chocolate coloured eyes could see. Tommy looked at him briefly before shutting his eyes tight and resisting the urge to hug Wilbur and cry. Big men don't cry.. Tommy thought as he inhaled and exhaled shakily.
Wilbur noticed this but didn't say anything as he continued naming constellations trying to distract himself from the strong urge to hug Tommy. He didn't know why he had such a strong urge, perhaps it was because he was moments from crying, maybe because he had a rough childhood or no childhood at all...? Fuck it. Wilbur thought quickly as he shifted over to Tommy, lifting his long legs up and over the edge to safety. He sat on top of his legs as he held out his arms to Tommy. Tommy glanced over, his eyes were glossy. He quickly gave in to Wilbur's hug and buried his face in Wilbur's chest as he sobbed, it felt like hours he was crying for.

Wilbur didn't know exactly why he was crying but he was going to give him all his support and comfort to the best of his abilities. Tommy cried harder. He wished his brother would remember what Tommy did. He wished he would remember that he is his brother that ran away 6 years ago. He was crying to him, mentally screaming at him to remember yet Wilbur couldn't see it. His mind and body and heart screamed at him but nothing returned. The wind grew more fierce as Tommy cried and Wilbur rubbed his back and whispered comforting things into Tommy's hair, like he did so many times before... Tommy's breathing slowed gradually as he fought to keep consciousness but to no prevail. His eyelashes fluttered shut as his body relaxed. Wilbur slowly lifted his head and gazed at the sleeping child. Something was familiar about him, but what...?
He adjusted his arms and lifted Tommy off the floor and carried him to his bedroom. He slowly put him down into his bed and ruffled his hair slightly as he draped the blankets over his shoulders. He looked at him once more before heading out the door and shutting it.


Tommy opened his eyes and jumped back when he saw Wilbur standing in-front of him with his hand on Tommy's shoulder. Tommy looked down slowly and gasped in horror as he saw the same old axe in his scarred hand. He dropped it as tears sprang to eyes, eager to fall down once again.
"Kill me tommy, kill me. You failed last time so why not finish me off this time? KILL ME TOMMY!!!" Wilbur yelled at him. Tommy fell to his knees as he let the tears go,
"You're not the real Wilbur. He doesn't even remember me."
"I'm not going to kill you wilbur!! It was an accident last time, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!" He begged and cried as he shut his eyes tight, shutting out all the bad memories of the axe. He would avoid touching it for the rest of his life.
"Pathetic, you can't even give me a scratch. Weak bitch, you're a disappointment for a brother." He spat harshly. Tommy had heard all those words before, a million times over. But this wasn't Wil, at least..he hoped it wasn't..
Wilbur kept spitting out insults as Tommy's breathing grew quicker and the tears ran faster.
"Shut up wilbur. Shut up!! SHUT UP!" He screamed as his hands gripped the axe and without thinking, he cut a deep wound across Wilbur's chest. He gasped as he realised what he did and threw the axe across the completely white room. Wilbur smiled softly and saluted Tommy as he fell over and turned into dust. Tommy's breathing quickened as he realised he lost control of himself, again. Fast, salty tears replaced each-other within milliseconds as Tommy regretted everything. Why did he do that?! You absolute fucking dumbass! A million thoughts yelled at him per second, overwhelming him. He began choking on his saliva in his panic and screamed as he sobbed. Suddenly, a warm hand rested on his shoulder from behind him. Tommy whirled around in panic as he saw who was smiling softly at him. Dad.. it was Philza minecraft. His oversized black, feathery wings hung wide around Phil. He outstretched his hand towards Tommy, and Tommy took it. Phil pulled him into a hug and his wings shielded them both from the brightness of the room. For once, Tommy was hiding from the brightness; he was hiding from the happy, warm, safe light and was shrinking into the darkness of Phil's wings. As long as Tommy didn't go into the real darkness that overwhelmed, terrified and pained him he would be fine.....Right....?
Phil patted Tommy's head and Tommy held onto him tighter, in an attempt to hide from the light.
"Wilbur..." he whispered.


"Wilbur..." Tommy whispered. Phil gave a confused look towards techno who just shrugged. Tommy's face was stained with tears as his eyes fluttered open and noticed Phil and Techno. His face darkened as he curled up into a ball and cried silently into his knees. Phil's eyebrows furrowed in sympathy as he sat down on Tommy's bed and rubbed his back. Techno crossed his arms, a little unsure of what to do in these situations because he wasn't one for cuddles and sappy stuff like that. Phil sighed as he looked at techno in concern.

30 minutes earlier...

Techno washed away the last bit of blood from the person he just brutally slaughtered in the river 'Lethe'. There, ya happy now?! His voices squealed in delight as they projected their satisfaction and how proud they were of him. Techno rolled his eyes as he dried his hands on his brown, leather pants. He walked back through the forest towards the house he lived in with his family. He stopped suddenly as his head snapped towards the right; he swore he heard a sound, and his gut was never wrong. He slowly unsheathed his sword from its leather sheath and stood in a defensive position, ready for any ambushes. He inhaled and exhaled, calming the voices slightly while they screamed and chanted, "BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD.."

Suddenly, 2 green glowing eyes peeked out from behind a large tree. Techno stood down as he realised it was Dream, his best secret friend from childhood. They always had fun together but for the past few years they had just sat down and talked or sometimes just listened to the sweet sound of content silence. No one knew they were friends because Phil had some sort of grudge against Dream. Techno smiled softly.
"Hey Dream." His calm, deep voice soothed anyone that listened, except for when they were about to be killed; that was a whole different story!
"Hello Techno." He grinned back as he sat down against the large tree. Techno followed suit.
They fell into content silence as they listened to the river flow gently.
Dream shattered the silence, "How have your voices been lately?" Techno grew slightly nervous as his voices yelled, "KILL DREAM, KILL HIM, KILL DREAM, GIVE HIM WHAT HE DESERVES!!!"
"Tell me the truth Techno." Dream said, knowing full well Techno was hiding something.
Techno sighed, Dream knew him too well, "They're currently telling me to stab you then drown you in the river.."
Dream sighed with concern, "Techno, go drink some water. While your at it splash some on your face." Techno rolled his eyes, the voices were getting harder to keep quiet and control. He shut his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again. He walked off towards the river but once he had gone far enough, changed his direction back to his house. Luckily Dream didn't notice, he hoped he would forgive him.

Techno soon arrived and scraped his feet on the wall, not caring if Phil would yell at him later for doing so. He opened the door and shut it behind him. His boots thudded on the floor gently as he walked towards the sound of sobbing, concerned that it could be Wilbur. His eyes widened slightly as he saw Phil trying to wake up a blonde, tall and crying child. He leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed.
Then he woke up.


A/N: damn 1556 words, long chapter wooooo! I'm loving this book Omg, also starting a book called 'I'lle Be Fine, I'll Be Pretty' so maybe check it out if you want-? Thank you for reading!!! 💖💖

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