|| Chapter 7 || Even The Trees And Wind Were Scared...

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It was him, the monster was finally standing in front of them. Philza Minecraft, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade facing the green God. TommyInnit hid behind Wilbur's legs and Wilbur held a hand infront of his face in hopes that the God of manipulation and lies wouldn't hurt his younger brother. The God smiled at them and held out his right hand as green sparks flew out and suddenly a netherite axe appeared in his unscarred hand. Philza gasped slightly as a large shield, armour and potions strapped on his belt appeared after some more lime sparks burst out from his hand. He laughed manically as Phil, Wilbur and Techno stared in shock. They knew Dream was powerful but not this powerful!

The 3 of them gripped their weapons, Wilbur with a diamond axe, Phil with a netherite sword and Technoblade with his shiny, dark red blade that had just been sharpened. Technoblade ran and leaped, towering over Dream, holding his sword upside down to plunge into Dream's head. Philza followed after him, flapped his wings and flew behind Dream to corner him. Techno missed by just a centimetre as Dream darted out of the way but bumped into Phil behind him. Phil raised his leg and roughly kicked Dream's chest, throwing him off balance and winding him as he crashed against the root of a thick tree. The 3 of them stood over him with Tommy peeking out behind a tree. Dream coughed and wheezed but held out his hand and with a flick of his pointer finger Techno was thrown roughly against the tree Tommy was hiding behind by an invisible force. This gave enough time for Dream to get up and summon his axe again which had been thrown across the forest when he was knocked off his feet. Wilbur glanced back to see Tommy standing over his older brother, trying to take care of him. Wilbur focused his attention on defeating Dream once and for all. Dream attacked first and Phil fought back, focusing on Dreams weak spots to try to impale him. Phil tried to slice Dream's neck but Dream's axe clashed with Phil's weapon; they both tried to push and gain an advantage over another but they were equally strong.
"You'll never defeat me! I'm the God of manipulation you bit-" Dream was cut off as he summoned another axe just in time before turning slightly to block Wilbur's attack from behind.

All 3 of their weapons clashed loudly against each other, Philza noticed Dream's growing panic in his glowing green eyes as both of them started getting the upper hand. Dream caved in and collapsed before pushing upwards with his entire body, startling Phil and Wilbur who thought he had gotten too weak, and used his axes to twist his enemies weapons out of their hands a couple of metres away. Dream smiled, jumped and outstretched his long ass legs so his left leg kicked Phil in the chest and his right one kicked Wilbur behind him; both of them crashed against the ground winded. Dream laughed maniacally and walked towards Wilbur, purposely taking his time. He now stood over him, his axe pointed against Wil's chest.
"Philza, Technoblade, stand back if you want your precious Wilbur alive..." He laughed again then carried on, "did you really think that you could beat me that easily?! I am a GOD!" He yelled that last part. Tommy shivered in fear behind Techno's legs who stood there, his pink braid was coming undone and was moving slightly in the soft wind. It seemed even the wind was being wary of who was in front of them. The trees moaned, they were scared too.

"Philza Minecraft, Tommyinnit, Technoblade, and lastly...Wilbur..Soot." He said the last two words apart from each other, a harsh reminder that Wilbur was only Wilbur. Not the great Wilbur Soot that Wil believed he was, the one that never fought with his brothers, never yelled at Techno for wandering off into the woods for days on end with blood stained on his hands when he returned, never tried to teach Tommy to be perfect otherwise 'you'll never be accepted in this world', never learned how to be good enough for his father who only wanted the best for him but Wil took it the wrong way. But most heart breaking of all...Wilbur never learned how to be a son.
But before Dream could slaughter Wilbur, Tommy pushed against Dream with all his force, grabbed his axe; it was way more heavy than Tommy expected so he couldn't hold it up and accidentally slashed across Wilbur's once clean chest but now had a large bloody wound that would walk with him forever. A permanent reminder that Dream was a bitch.
"WILBY!" Tommy screeched.
Dream laughed again. "YES!" Whilst Techno yelled at Tommy to get back, but Tommy didn't hear him. He was too focused on saving his brother from this evil monster God or whatever he was, it really didn't matter right now. Tommy dropped the axe and covered his mouth in shock at his older brother, the one who had tried his best to be a good brother and play with him whenever he wanted even though Wilbur neglected him sometimes to be taught by Phil about how to be good enough and keep up with school; how to do this how to do that, just like how Phil would do it. Phil even taught Wilbur how to fight using long distance and short distance, Wilbur was better at long distance. The only thing Wil had learned by himself was how to read, write, play guitar, and all the things a son should know and enjoy.
Tommy grasped at Wilbur's shirt and yelled at him to stay awake because he still wanted to learn how to be a good brother just like him; even though Wilbur barely knew how to be anything but that in his eyes.

Tommy's face was hot with tears, he begged Wilbur to stay awake, said he'll do anything.
"I-I'll play guitar with you, I'll f-fight with you, I'll learn how to d-do big m-man things like y-you! I'll do anything W-Wilbur! Please, just don't l-leave..." he hiccuped through his panic.
"Tommy..." Wilbur smiled softly at him and cupped Tommy's face, "you're only 6. You don't need to do anything, live your childhood...and don't worry, I'll live." Tommy looked back as Techno and Phil had managed to capture Dream and apprehend him of everything he had.

Dream pulled and wiggled around, trying to get free of their grasp but to no avail. He then grinned, that terrifying big grin, laughed and then said "you haven't defeated me yet you stupid little mortals!" Suddenly he vanished and all that remained was green sparks and an echo of his manic laughter. Phil and Techno caught themselves before falling because of the sudden emptiness. Phil sighed then realised Wilbur was bleeding heavily from his chest, outstretched his wings and flew over to Wilbur. Techno ran towards him as well.

Tommy was desperately trying to hold back the rich, fresh blood pouring onto Wilbur's yellow sweater and brown trench coat. The blood was ruining it but no one cared about that now, Wilbur would complain later (if he was alive to complain). Tommy was crying and tears washed down his chubby, young cheeks like a fast river. He eventually gave up on keeping the blood inside Wil's body as his small clammy hands couldn't stop it gushing out, so he curled up on Wilbur and cried into his trench coat as Wilbur weakly played with his hair and bit the inside of his cheek to stay conscious.

In this world~
It's just us~

Phil lifted Tommy up and carried him back to his house as Techno tended to Wilbur's wound.
The last thing Tommy saw was Wilbur's beautiful chocolate brown eyes flutter shut as Techno began panicking more and wrapping his bandages faster while half yelling at Wil to stay conscious.
Then, Tommy felt a heavy tiredness wash over him. He couldn't help but close his eyes and drift off to a cold sleep filled with nightmares about Dream and Wilbur's tragic death.

You know it's not the same as it was~


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