|| Chapter 8 || Techno Smiled Softly ||

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Techno slumped down to the floor, leaning his back against the wall; the wall barely being able to hold Techno up and stop him from spiralling down into madness because of his voices yelling in his head for blood. It was endless. They never stopped. He felt his breathing slip out of his control, faster and faster, irregular. The voices grew louder, there was loud ringing in his ears, he heard nothing else; Techno felt his eyes water. No, no, no, no! It was happening again! He clamped his hands down on his ears, desperately trying to make it stop. He could feel his heartbeat racing, thumping intensely inside of his chest. His crown was slipping from his head, his vision slowly turning red. He was losing himself, he couldn't make it stop. It hurts so much. It hurts so much, please stop!

Click. The door softly opened and a striped green and white bucket hat, hiding golden fluffy hair peeked into the room; beautiful blue eyes shimmered into the room and placed themselves on Techno. Technoblade didn't look up at Philza, but Philza looked directly at him; his eyebrows rising in concern. He sighed and let himself into the room and sat down next to Techno.
A few moments passed and Phil slowly put his arm around Techno. Techno didn't reciprocate, he just sat there with his forehead resting against his knees which created mountains around him; hiding away from his blade, from everything. He shielded himself from everything, except Philza.

Philza rubbed his back slowly, "It's okay mate. This moment will pass, they will give up eventually Techno. Don't lose control of yourself mate. Don't let your crown fall. Breathe with me okay?" Techno desperately nodded, unable to talk as he was choking on air, drowning in his own mind.
Philza breathed in deeply, holding Techno's shoulder firmly, which was the only thing keeping Techno from falling apart and letting the voices suffocate him. Techno breathed in deeply, coughing momentarily. Techno's crown slipped off of his head and landed with a loud ding as it rolled to the corner of the room; right infront of Techno's blood red blade. Phil's eyebrows furrowed in determination as both of his hands gripped onto Techno's shoulders, he was now in-front of Techno holding eye contact with him. Phil exhaled and Techno followed, his vision becoming dizzy and fading in and out of darkness.
Phil's eyebrows raised in alarm as he cupped Techno's cheek, then slapping him softly with his other hand.
"Techno, you have to stay awake, stay with me mate c'mon." Phil said ridgidly. Techno blinked rapidly, trying to keep himself conscious. He inhaled and exhaled again with Phil. He felt his vision slowly clearing, as he looked in panic in Phil's eyes; looking for any sort of sign that he was going to be okay. Phil's eyes softened, giving Techno what he needed, what he internally begged for.

Techno shakily exhaled one last time before slowly letting go of his ears and looked into Phil's softened sky blue eyes; ones that were growing old because of fatherhood, ones that shimmered but deep inside they screamed of regret and anxiety. Fear that he was not a good enough father, that he wouldn't be good enough for Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. He couldn't worry about that now, one son at a time.
Technoblade smiled softly, "thank you dad."
Philza smiled back, "you're welcome mate." He stood up and outstretched a hand towards his son. Techno grasped onto it and Phil pulled him up. Techno glanced behind Phil and saw his crown, resting there, a single pink hair holding onto one of the jewels. Phil let go of Techno's hand and let him walk over to the other side of the room to squat, grab his crown and stand back up.
He placed his crown onto his head, the sun reflecting onto the jewels making patterns and rainbows appear on his walls which lit up the room. He turned towards Philza and smiled. Philza smiled brightly back.

You know it's not the same As It Was~

Wilbur's guitar rested snugly under his arms as he played a few strings; his guitar sworn to never leave his side. Whenever Wilbur was playing his guitar he was content. A few more chords, Wilbur suddenly had the perfect chord ideas for a new song! He stored them away in his memory for now. He sighed happily as he rested his head against the thick trunk of the wisteria tree outside his home.

But peace doesn't last forever.

Wilbur jumped as he heard the children screeching as they ran towards him, Tommy tripping over his own feet and crashing into Wil. Techno walked behind them, looking at Tommy like an older brother would in disappointment and amusement.
"Hey! Watch it, you could've broken my guitar!" Wilbur sneered as he checked his guitar; luckily it was unharmed.
"Sorry Wilby-" Tommy suddenly realised what he said as Wil's head quickly turned towards him, his attention away from his guitar.
"'WILBY-?!' Did you just call me 'Wilby'?" Wilbur laughed as he smiled warmly at Tommy. Tommy's face went red as he sat down, crossed his legs and arms and rolled his eyes. Wilbur laughed at Tommy's embarrassment, "it's okay Tommy, you can call me Wilby." His smile was still bright on his face. Tommy poorly hid his grin and was about to probably say a sassy remark but was cut off by Tubbo's squeal of excitement.
"Guys, look! Bees!" Tubbo's smile was so wide as a bee landed on his shoulder and snuggled into his clothing. Ranboo was standing next to him, a little nervous as he was hiding behind Tubbo; his height didn't really help with his hiding. The bee flew away and Tubbo waved goodbye. Tubbo took Ranboo's snowy white hand and led him away to the flower field to roll in the flowers.

Techno sat down next to Wilbur, which was next to Tommy so he was in the middle. Tommy's eyes suddenly lit up and his head quickly turned to Techno,
"Techno, can I do your hair?"
"Awweeee pleaseeeeeee" he clasped his hands together and pouted. Techno rolled his eyes and sighed,
"Alright fine."
"Yay!" Techno winced at the sudden, loud noise which his voices didn't help with; telling him to run away, run away, run away. Tommy shifted himself behind Techno and raised his hand to start but then quickly stood up and ran a couple metres away to the flower patch. He spent a couple minutes searching and picking the best flowers then rushed back to Techno and sat comfortably behind him. He carefully let Techno's hair loose and combed it out with his soft hands, so it was soft and brushed-ish. Tommy began braiding his hair, only stopping to decide which flowers should go where then quickly resuming. Techno felt his voices start to calm down way more than anything else that had calmed them slightly. He finally felt peaceful and fully relaxed.

"Done!" Tommy exclaimed. Techno carefully traced his hand over his hair and felt the flowers intertwined. He smiled slightly.
"Thank you Tommy." Tommy smiled as he sat next to Techno and started talking with him about something childish. Wilbur began softly playing his guitar in the background. The wind was content and so was the sun, it shined brighter and the wind didn't blow or make the boys cold.

"Oh my god he never shuts up." Techno drawled under his breath. Wilbur continued playing his guitar as Tommy's talking eventually got slower, he never ran out of things to say.
Until the talking stopped. Techno felt Tommy's head resting on his shoulder as his eyes fluttered shut. He glanced down and smiled softly at the sight of his younger bro- of the child sleeping soundly on him. He put his arm around Tommy.
Wilbur opened his eyes and stared at Techno and Tommy until he finally realised what was going on, "Oh. Oh."
Techno held in a laugh at Wilbur's face expression as to not wake Tommy. Wilbur stared in shock.
"How are you-what-I-...How are you allowing this?!" Wilbur exclaimed as Techno laughed, luckily not waking the child.
"He's our little brother now, isn't he?" Techno smiled softly.
"Yeah, he is." Wilbur replied looking down at Tommy and smiling.

As It Was~
As It Was~
You know it's not the same~

A/N: damn 1410 words, this one's a long one. Also some fluff and cute brother moments! Now we'll really get the adorable brother moments in future chapters! See you soon, thanks for reading!! Vote?


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