
5.9K 191 198

Harry Styles.

The hours were passing by with ease today. Coach went easy on us during practice, partially because we've started the season off with a two game win streak, but mostly because Little Miss Physical Therapist hasn't been able to get to work on any of us yet because she didn't bother to get acquainted with our files before her first day.

I'm first on the schedule to work with her tomorrow, but depending on how tonight goes, I might stand her up just like she fucking stood me up the other morning.

I still can't fucking believe she's here. Who the hell fucks someone they're about to work with, leaves without a damn word, and then waltzes into work the next day like nothing fucking happened? Her presence alone is infuriating, but then to lash out when I try to look past it all and help her out? Bullshit.

The last thing I want to do is spend another night with her. Fuck Sarah for inviting her after I explicitly told her and Mitch what went down. I'd rather just do what I do best and third-wheel them.

Maybe I can just sacrifice Madelyn's annoying ass to Freddie Krueger tonight.

"Excuse me?" I hear a soft voice chime from in front of me. My thoughts are running so rampant that I almost didn't hear it. "Hey, hockey jock!" Before I can react to the first call out, the voice dismisses the softer approach and echos through the foyer. I pull my gaze away from the laminate flooring of the lobby, glancing up towards a beautiful blonde near the front entrance. She meets me with a smile almost as bright as her sky blue eyes, tight lips suppressing laughter. "Do you have a minute?" She's holding a bouquet of flowers arranged in a vase, and a card positioned in the center. That's arguably more than any puck bunny has ever done for any of us before, so I'm intrigued to see which one of my teammates scored someone this hot and thoughtful.

"For you?" I knit my brows together questioningly as I hoist my duffel bag further up my shoulder, crossing the way to meet her by the doors. "I have two minutes." She is arguably one of the prettier girls I've seen lately, so there's no point in denying her any of my charm.

"Swoon." Her free hand thuds dramatically over her heart.

"I have that effect on most people." I shrug, taking this opportunity to admire her glowing eyes.

"I'm sure the men just love you." She looks me over once, and I can tell she's debating making a snide comment. "On behalf of all women, I regret to inform you that you'll need to put in a little more effort to impress any of us."

"Damn, blondie. You waltz onto my territory just to knock me down? You're bold." I mimic her hand-over-heart motion, putting on a face of falsified pain.

"Isn't that what ninety-eight percent of the opposing teams do?" She finds humor in her own joke, her perfect posture only stammering slightly with each riff of laughter.

"Funny." I roll my eyes, nodding down to the flowers. "Are you lost, or just looking for any hockey player to hand those off to?" I skip right to the point, knowing I don't have a shit ton of time to keep bantering with this girl, despite preferring her company over my plans. "Because I love pretty flowers from pretty girls." I give her a dimpling grin, and she responds with a quick head shake.

"God no, not a hockey player. The last thing I need is a boyfriend with a stick up his ass." She rejects, throwing in some lame ass attempt of a hockey pun. "I'm looking for my best friend. Redhead, about my height, kind of a bad ass." She answers, still dodging my flirtatious comment, and I immediately know why. "It's her first day working here, so I wanted to drop these off for her, both for good luck and to celebrate." She lifted the vase up to show me the assortment of colorful flowers. The only ones I recognized were yellow roses, but there were different shades of pinks and purples mixed in.

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