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The wetness grazes over my nipple, taunting eye contact testing my limits. My teeth threaten to pierce into my lower lip as I fight to suppress the filthy whimper creeping up the back of my throat. My palm rests against the small of her back, pushing her in between my legs until my thighs hug her hips, locking her in my confinement.

"You're a fucking tease." I spew, hooking my finger under her jaw to bring her lips to mine. A soft, effortless kiss consumes us for a whopping fifteen seconds before she averts her focus back to the task at hand. "No, come back." I dip my hand beneath her ear, cupping her neck tenderly. "Kiss me again." I put on my best puppy-dog pout and as to be expected, she melts and connects our lips.

Our lips puzzle piece together like they were fucking made for each other. Like clockwork, Madelyn smiles against my lips, and I make a mental reminder to bring that up later. I feather my fingers through her soft curls, her hands resting lazily on my thighs as her fingers curl into the rips of my jeans as she holds me into place.

Passion darts between us as we lose ourselves to the mercy of one another. There's a growing confidence between us now that we've started sneaking kisses in more frequently. Even with the risk of someone walking in on us right now, Mads seems to trust me more than ever.

"One more." I mumble against her lips as she starts to pull back. I lean forward at my hips, keeping our lips together as much as possible.

"You're going to get paint on me!" She limbos backwards slightly, but compromises by giving me one last peck on the lips.

I don't know how the fuck we got here, but every road leads us back to these clandestine kisses. I went from hating her to being so fucking infatuated with her in a matter of weeks, and even when we fight, things smooth right back over and we can't get enough of each other.

If this is what it feels like to be in a relationship, maybe I can consider getting over my fear of that word...

But first, she needs to get over her fear of being seen in public with me.

"No shame in incorporating a piece of me into your costume." I shrug, leaning my back against the mirror.

She ignores me with a sweet smile, bringing the paintbrush up to swirl the white liquid down my chest. "Why the fuck is it so cold?" I groan, kicking my heels into the wooden doors under the countertop I'm propped on.

"Matches your heart." Madelyn's smartass tone teases me as she fills in a few spots that weren't as opaque as she'd like.

"Aren't gingers the ones without souls?" I cock my brows up at her as my fingers interlock behind my head. Her death glare answers my question silently, her focus is heavily on making sure my abs were painted to perfection. She squints slightly without her glasses on the bridge of her nose as she kneels between my legs and gets back into my favorite position, her lips curling up at the corners as she concentrates. "Thought so." I flex my abs as she lowers a fresh dot of paint to my stomach, and again when she tries to seamlessly blend it in.

"If you mess this up, I'll let Ella come at you full force and turn your dick into a souvenir." She glances up at me, cheeks hot with a prominent blush. I guess she's been so focused on my cock that she didn't realize I was gifted in other areas of my body too. "I won't be a buffer this time."

"Why, wanna use it as a dildo?"  I stump her with the question as a harsh bite on the inside of my cheek keeps my laughter at bay.

Her eyes widen, making me wonder if it's arousal or disgust. Either way, she drops the paint brush back onto the paper paint she had been dipping paint from, and uses my thighs to lift herself back onto her feet. "I already have plenty." Mads leans forward, her lips just centimeters apart from mine. "You must've missed that shelf when you were snooping in my bedroom.'" Her lips brush past my cheek, her sarcasm hot against my skin as she reaches for the hand towel behind my hip, wiping away the paint from her hands.

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