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The question holds a lot more than I'm sure this man is prepared for.

Having Timothy Parsons as a father has had its ups and its downs and I can admit to that. He wasn't always shitty. In fact, he used to be my favorite person. Once upon a time, he only wanted the best for me and he helped me get to that point.

I remember one time when I wanted to quit skating because I felt like I wasn't good enough and he sat me down, held my shoulders steady, and told me that I was one of the best skaters he's ever known. That I deserved every trophy and every accomplishment I was worthy of.

But that was before the news article came out, the scandal as all the magazines called it.

It turned everyone against me - even my own dad.

My favorite person turned into my enemy and it felt like I was a fraud. Here I was, receiving all of these handouts because of who my dad is and then they caught fire right in front of my face.

My whole world came crumbling down and instead of helping me build it back up... He stole all the glue and only left me with tape. He helped me just enough to where I couldn't complain that he was absent.

Instead of unloading all of that, I just give a quick smile, "He's the best."

Becca walks back into the dining room and heads straight for me. She hands over the clean dishes and places her hand gently on my shoulder. "I hope you can forgive me. I didn't know these were anything special."

I give her a nod and turn to walk out the room. My dad's husky voice grumbles in my direction. "Why don't you stay for a little bit, Madelyn?"

I was fully prepared to say no and head home to start preparing some food but when I looked at Becca's daughter at the corner of the table and how her head hasn't lifted up and her shoulders have stayed slumped over while she's looking at her phone - not on any particular app but just sliding through her home screen pretending to look busy, I started to nod my head rather than shake it.

Becca claps her hands together and brings them up to her chin while grinning. "Oh, this is exciting. I was so looking forward to meeting you." She drops the smile and clears her throat while looking at her daughter. "Right, Isabella?"

Becca and Bella.

She looks up from her phone and nods her head, "Yup."

I grab an empty chair that happens to be beside Isabella and she awkwardly scoots over in order to give me more room without any further acknowledgment.

Becca starts grabbing an empty plate and a spoon full of mashed potatoes but I quickly stop her.

"No, thank you. I had a big breakfast this morning." My denial comes with a soft smile, hoping that will alleviate any tension from my quick rejection.

She looks disappointed and shocked that I turned her offer down as she bites her perfect pearlescent teeth into her bottom lip and slowly places the utensil down.

"I will take some water though if there's any left in that pitcher over there." I appreciate the efforts she's making, so I hope that finding an alternative way to not be seated at the table without something to rest on my placemat will suffice.

A hand reached the glass before hers and gripped the handle while holding the bottom and pouring some into the cup in front of me. "So, Madelyn," Becca's father spoke while watching drops of water spilling all over the new table cloth as his shaky hands tried to stabilize the jug. "Tell us about yourself. I'm afraid we only know what Timothy has told us."

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