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The drive home was silent. Nobody would listen to me when I tried to tell them about what happened. Madelyn ended up getting an uber to go home because she felt bad that they had to drive across town to drop her off, which is ridiculous. I'd much rather have to drive out of the way so I can know that she got home safely.

I got Sarah to send her a text to see if she made it home okay, but she wouldn't tell me if Madelyn got home safely or not.

Sarah has been giving me the 'disappointed mom' look since I got back to the table. Once it was just the three of us back in the car, she gave me a five minute long lecture and then started giving me the cold shoulder. Mitch just called me a dumbass, and that was the extent of his commentary.

How the fuck was I supposed to know that Ava was going to be at the same place as I was? She had my location - I didn't have hers.

I really tried to resist when I saw her, but it's so damn hard when she's so fucking tempting. Her short skirt skimmed the tops of her bare thighs, begging for my hand to roam over top and in between them, and her sweater was oversized, but was tucked in all the right spots to flaunt her figure.

If it were for my needs that Madelyn left unfulfilled the other night, maybe I wouldn't have given in.

"Well, look who it is! I never thought I'd live to see the day that Harry Styles stepped foot into a pumpkin patch." Confidence strutted towards me in the form of thigh high boots with heels unsuitable for the gravel flooring. "What are you doing here, sweetie?" Two cold hands grabbed onto either side of my face, pulling me onto plump, glossy lips for a quick peck.

"What usually brings people to a pumpkin patch, Ava?" I take both of her wrists in my hands, prying her off of me. Her blue eyes sparkle with mischief, just like they always have. "I'm with someone."

"Are you?" She yanks her right hand out of mine and uses it to shield the setting sun from her eyes so she can skim the area. I watch her find Mitch at a wooden picnic table, and pinpoint Sarah and Mads, but she darts her eyes around again, ignoring them. "Weird, I don't see anyone up to your standards here." She snickers as I fold my arms, waiting for her to fuck off.

"Then you must not be looking hard enough." I roll my eyes, turning my body square with the person in front of me.

With no real concept of social cues, Ava slips in front of me, draping her small arms over my shoulders, hands linking up at the back of my neck. "Why would I keep looking when I'm right here?"

"Ava, what do you want?" I sigh, looking down at her. I unfold my arms and drop them to my sides, making every effort to avoid touching her.

"You."  A taunting smile rides up her lips. "Paige is pretty, but we both know she doesn't make you feel as good as I do." Her lips pepper longing kisses to my neck, and I'm glancing around to make sure Madelyn doesn't see.

She and I were having a decent time, almost as good as the night we met. We were certainly getting back to the point. I'd rather it be Madelyn with her arms around me and her lips teasing my body.

"Let me make you feel good again, H..." The vibrations of her lips against my neck struck a nerve, one that was left unfulfilled by Madelyn. I pulled my head away from her lips so I could look down into her eyes and tell her to fuck off.

But when I do, her perfect little smile reels me in just like every damn time before, and I fold.

"Not here." I decline, glancing over to Madelyn again. She's completely oblivious to what's happening behind her right now.

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