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TW: Eating Disorder (Brief mention of restricted eating)


The steam from the shower was fogging up the bathroom. I decided to wash the morning off to start fresh after what had happened outside. I like to think of myself as a strong person but recently...I've been inside my head too much. I've had more panic attacks these past few days than I've had in a long time. I was skating still when I had my last one.

I swore I heard talking coming from the other side of the main door so I went ahead and wrapped a towel around my body and headed there.

"No, I haven't been able to get a hold of her. I was just with her maybe 30 minutes ago, I told her I'd be right up." Harry's worried voice comes from the opposite side and it makes my heart drop knowing I've scared him.

I open the door and Harry's head shoots in my direction. He's sitting on the floor and leaning up against the wall right next to the door, "Fuck, Madelyn. You can't ignore me like that."

He hurries into the room and shuts the door, "I'm sorry - I wasn't thinking. I just needed to do something to calm my nerves a little bit."

His hands go to hold each side of my head, "Don't apologize," His eyes holding contact with mine going back and forth. "You just worried me is all."

Harry grabbed my shoulders and turned me around and gave me a slight push. "Now, go put some clothes on so my mind will get out of the gutter."

I laugh and walk to the bedroom, "Your mind is never out of the gutter."

While putting on some shorts and a big Bruins t-shirt, Harry walks into the bedroom with a slight knock on the doorframe.

"I got bored waiting," He walks over and lays down on my bed. "Thanks for the strip tease, though"

"Sure, make yourself at home," I joke while climbing next to him. "I also wouldn't call that a strip tease. That was more of you just trying to get a peek."

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer as he puts his head in the crook of my neck. I can feel his breath on me and goosebumps appear. At this he laughs and starts drawing little circles on the small of my back where the t-shirt had risen up. "Remind me why we don't like each other?"

A slight sigh escapes my lips, "I don't think it was ever dislike to start with," With those words he lifted his head and let me continue. "I think I liked you so much even after we talked about how it was just a one night thing and when I saw you at the job introduction and how you automatically acted sour towards me,"

"I-" He started to interrupt me but I continued.

"You belittled me and you made me feel insecure just for the hell of it half the time. You make up for it some days by being sweet but you can be such a dick."

Memories come flooding back about my past and why I left everything and everyone behind. My body becomes rigid and Harry notices the change. His brows furrow as his arm becomes tighter around me as if it's a reflex.

"Can we just pretend for one second none of that shit matters or that I didn't fuck up so badly? I mean, for fuck sake Mads, I think about kissing you too much for someone who can't."

I stare into his big green eyes and make the mistake of glancing at his lips. Once I set sight on them - I'm done for. My head nodding before I can even think about what's happening and suddenly his lips are on mine.

I'm kissing Harry Styles again and I don't ever want to stop. My hands make their way to his hair and his hand holds my jaw and slips to cradle the back of my neck. I pull back to try and catch my breath but Harry apparently wasn't done. He leaves small peppered kisses down my cheek and my neck only to make his way back up to kiss around my whole face.

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