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After Harry left me to go with Coach Patrick, my mind was left racing. Was this the beginning of something with Harry? Whatever it was - it felt right.

I just hope it stays that way.

I start cleaning my temporary office after I went to the bathroom and changed into something more team appropriate, so I can head down to the press conference like I promised I would. Press has always made me nervous because even though there's a list of questions that they can't ask - they do anyway. There's always just one little shitty weasel who likes to take you by surprise and ask the questions everyone else was told to disregard.

Before I could even walk out the door, my phone rang. Pulling it out of my tote bag - my breathing started to become rapid. I quickly slid my thumb across the screen to answer it, "Hello?"

A deep voice came through - my lawyer.

"Miss Simmons? This is Eric Powell. I'm calling to discuss the most recent events." His voice is trying not to give any sympathy, but I know it's there.

I hate sympathy.

I toss my hair over my shoulder and stand a little straighter, even though he can't see me, "I figured I'd be hearing from you soon. Is everything okay?"

He chuckled and cleared his throat, "I always make sure everything is okay, Miss Simmons." I go to sit back down at the desk before my knees can buckle. "I was just letting you know that we've taken care of it from our end and if anything comes up again then we will do our best. I just wanted you to be updated and not in the dark about what is going on. I'm sure it doesn't help your anxiety not knowing everything behind the scenes."

"Thank you for keeping me in the loop with everything. I really do appreciate it, Eric."

"It's my job," It stayed silent for a few uncomfortable seconds, "Actually, we do need you to come in the office to sign some things for us if you have any time soon."

"Is it regarding-" I didn't even have to finish my sentence before he mumbles a mhm.

"I moved to Boston a little bit ago-"

"I'm aware but you're in Long Island right now, aren't you?"

"Yeah...yeah I am," How the hell am I going to get to the City without making it annoyingly known that I'm not going back with everyone else and taking a small detour? "I'll figure it out."

There was a shuffle of papers being stacked together on the other side of the line, "Floor 14 and office 143. I'll see you in a few days." Click.

God, I fucking hate talking to lawyers - especially the ones my dad hires. That's why he let me hire Eric. He just wrote a check and told me to handle it while he handles the "bigger issue". Eric has been my lawyer since I was barely a teenager. When you come from a family like mine then you have people who represent you before you even hit puberty. Eric has always been so protective of me and never made any indication that he was only here for the paycheck. Don't get me wrong - he was a very intense guy.

By the time the phone call is over I'm already very late for the press conference, which I'm sure Harry is going to be thrilled for. I hate breaking promises but the call couldn't have waited another second.

I walk towards where the conference is while also simultaneously sending an email to let me dad know that I'll be in town for a day or so. I get distracted by all the boa feathers on the ground and try not to step on them. They make the streets pretty and not like a bunch of sewer rats living here. Mitch probably said something along the lines of how they're slowly killing the Earth but he just doesn't understand the functionality of New York. Honestly, if whatever is already here hasn't killed the planet - then a few boa feathers won't either.

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