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I woke up surrounded by my blankets this morning and I have no recollection of how I ended up there. The last thing that I remember is Harry pulling me over to him. Should I have cuddled up next to him after telling him that we could only be civil acquaintances? Absolutely not, but I couldn't help it.

Have you seen him?

I've been trying to work all day but my mind just goes back to the letter I read this morning that was left on my counter.

Dearest Rosie,

See how easy it is to leave something behind before leaving? Was that too soon? Anyways - I tucked you in and cleaned up the mess we made last night, even disinfected your counters. You're welcome. See you tomorrow at work.
Please fix my knee.

-H (your favorite hockey player ever)

Knowing he carried me to my bed and took the time to clean up after ourselves shouldn't make me feel the way that I do. It shouldn't make me feel all giddy inside knowing he took care of me.

But it does.

My eyes have been staring at the computer so long that tears are starting to build and the burn is starting to settle. I'm so thankful to look away when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I start putting away personal documents and files away so whoever is at the door can't call HIPPA on me.

The door opens and the instant smell of coffee fills the room before the person can even step foot in. Sarah's back is the first thing I see as she is holding the door open while carrying two cups - one in each hand.

"I come bearing gifts and my sincerest apologies." She sits in the chair across from me and places the drink in my hand.

"You're an absolute lifesaver. How did you know I needed another one this morning?" I take a sip of the drink and life begins to fill my veins again.

I watched Sarah get comfortable by putting her purse next to the chair on the floor and bringing her right leg over her left to cross. She sets her cup on my desk and interlocks her fingers to place on her knee - she's just smiling at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" The straw is almost to my lips when she starts talking.

"Look, I have no idea what happened with Harry at the maze but with how upset you were...I feel like there's something you aren't telling me," She brings her elbows to the desk to lean. "Do you have anything to tell me, Madelyn?"

I could tell her the truth about how I feel...or I could direct her attention elsewhere. My mind starts to wander for a distraction as my heart begins to race. I match her elbows on the table and start to lean towards her.

"Sarah bear, if Harry ain't talkin - then neither am I," I lean back, shaking the computer mouse to turn the screen back on and take a sip of the coffee. "Besides, there's nothing to tell. I was just really excited to get a corn dog and the fact that he couldn't keep his dick in his pants for more than 3 hours..well that's his issue."

"Okay, I do agree with you there, it was a real stupid move on his part, but give him another chance, Mads. He was genuinely upset about it. I know it sounds like I'm just making an excuse for him but he's one of my best friends...he's not always like that."

I know he's not always like that. I saw how he was with those kids and then him showing up to my apartment with frozen corn dogs? I just don't understand why he can't act like that all the time.

I don't understand why I still get butterflies even though he's only treated me like an asshole.

"Yeah, Madelyn, listen to her." A new voice speaks by the door.

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