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TW: Sexual harassment.


Sitting in the backseat of Miles' car in complete and utter silence was not how I would've chosen my night to end. The disbelief that hasn't wrapped around my brain yet over what Harry has just done is astronomical. I can't believe he said that to me and I cannot believe he punched Preston in the face - not once, but a few times.

Why did he have to ruin it for me? Preston was only being nice and charming until Harry had to come over and ruin whatever chance I had with him.

If I were naive then I would say he was jealous... But Harry Styles would never be jealous of anyone talking to me. He hates me because I don't back down when he tries to intimidate me. I've been walked on one too many times and I refuse to ever let that happen to me again.

I made sure to check on Preston before we left to make sure he was okay. I would never forgive myself if I caused him to be injured.

"I'm so sorry Harry did this to you," I play with my rings, twisting and turning them, to try and ease the confrontation nerves. "Is there anything I can do?"

He smiles and sticks his tongue out to wipe away some of the blood on his lip and ruffles his hand through his hair. "I could think of something. Think you know enough about massage therapy to help me before the game, Little Red?"

I blush at this new nickname and nod. "I know plenty. Come by my apartment tomorrow and I'll see what I can do for you, Preston."

He hands me his phone with the new contact information ready to be filled up and looks over my head and winks with his signature smirk.

I turn immediately and only see a car passing by but nobody walking. Maybe I just thought he winked.

I hand him back his phone with my number and hear Ella call my name from the passenger window.

"I have to go but call me in the morning," I open the back door of Miles' car and get in. "I'm really sorry about all of this. I don't know what got into him."

Preston grabs the top of the door and looks at me with a tilt of his head - almost condescending. "Oh, I do. But nothing to worry your pretty little head about. Had nothing to do with you." Then he shut the door and went to his own.

I still don't know what he meant by that. I remember Harry saying something about sloppy seconds when he was yelling at Preston but what does that have to do with me?

I kind of blacked out when Harry turned his anger on me and was accusing me of having no self respect and telling the whole bar about how we hooked up. The amount of anger stirring in my blood was making it boil.

I remember him asking me if I had any self respect.

I remember him practically yelling out to the whole bar that I've been in his bed.

I remember how worthless I felt when he accused me of just being a quick fuck.

That's always what I've been to guys like Harry and I'm so goddamn tired of feeling like this.

When I got home I didn't even take the time to wash my makeup off - I cried most of it off anyways. I laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling until my eyes couldn't stay open any longer.


I woke up before any alarms could go off and trying to go back to sleep was not an option. My eyes were puffy from crying and lips dry from all the tiny gasps I had to take in order to catch my breath.

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