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It had been days since Harry and I had looked at each other, let alone talked. I've tried to ask him if he was okay after the fight on the ice but all I got was the cold shoulder. Something I'm completely used to at this point.

Some would call what I'm doing right now moping, but I prefer to call it self care. I've taken more bubble baths and done more face masks than I have ever done in my life. I'm not entirely sure why I'm acting like this considering Harry and I weren't anything apart from friends, if you could even call us that, but sometimes friendship breakups hit the hardest - especially after I opened up to him about what Preston did.

Speaking of Preston... He's been sending me flowers right to my door every morning like clockwork. Each note says the same thing:

Good morning, Beautiful. I hope you have an amazing day and can forgive me soon.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours, P

I don't think I've fully forgiven him, but we have had some conversations since the one in the hall. Mostly they've been me telling him to stop texting me so much but then they end with us telling each other about our days.

He can be nice to talk to when he's in a good mood but he isn't the one who I want to talk to at the end of the day.

Harry and I were on such a good track to becoming actual friends instead of coworkers and I don't even know what ruined it. I've heard some rumors but I know they're not true and so should he.

Sarah tells me what Mitch tells her and so I've been kept in the loop more often than I'd like. I first noticed something was wrong when all the other guys came in for PT and Harry missed his appointment. That's when I realized that he didn't just run past me after the fight so he could cool down, but because he was mad at me and I'm not sure why.

Shit hit the fan and I couldn't do anything to stop it from getting worse and I think that's why it's hit me as hard as it has. I don't have any control over this situation.

Right now Ella is throwing together a suitcase for me because we leave for an away game tonight and I can't find it in me to fold up some socks and shirts.

"Maddy, you're going to have so much fun in New York," She's been going off about us playing the Islanders since the schedule was announced. "You have to tell Mathew Barzal that I love him." She gives me a wink.

I throw a pillow at her head and miss by a centimeter, "Will Miles be okay with that?" She picks up the pillow from the ground and jumps on the bed in an attempt to suffocate me.

I fight her off but we both are struggling because we're laughing so hard. This is my favorite thing about Ella - she will always make me laugh even when I forget what my voice sounds like.

She sighs and gives up while sitting on the edge of my bed, playing with the fringe on the pillow, "Miles hasn't even asked me to be official yet. How do I know he's not there fucking girls in his room and then lying about it?" She's trying to be tough about it but I know it's breaking her.

Ella and Miles are disgustingly cute together. Whenever they're together, they're attached at the hip and always touching in one way or another. It makes me sick.

"Trust me, Ella," I sit up and scoot over to her to play with her hair as her head falls on my shoulder. "If I even see a hint of another girl, I will cock block him and ruin his night. But I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about with that considering the fact he's so head over heels with you. He's just shy." She nods against my shoulder and tries to nonchalantly wipe her finger under her eye as if she was just itching her cheek.

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