What has claws and really sharp fangs part two.

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Weson." The vampire told her as the owner walked over to them right as Shadow zipped up her bag after making sure the vials didn't freeze the venom inside. "I think you girls need to leave now, before I call your brother and tell him about your little under the table drugs or whatever is going on in my cafe." He didn't seem to happy, Shadow shook her head and got up after putting her backpack on her shoulder. "We're going." Right as she said that the Weson broke through back but they look very creepy and mean looking.

 They had sharp fangs and sharp claws, her and her friend stood there before starting to fight the Weson but Shadow was starting to get mad and lose control. "Shadow control it, don't do it now." Her from told her, Shadow growled as she felt her eyes change as she started to lose control. "Go to the car and wait there and tell Monroe that I'll be back home soon, I'll be fine go now." Shadow handed her the backpack, before shifting and snarling as she attacked the Weson. Her friend quickly headed to the car and called Monroe, she told him that Shadow would be home soon but she also told him about the owner kicking them out but her and Shadow would give him the full story later when they got back. 

Shadow was fighting the weson in her wolf form, she was biting, clawing and scratching them. She had managed to kill one of them that had attacked her, but they had injured her pretty good and she was trying to get up off the ground. "I should've known you were one of them." The cafe owner said as he pointed a gun at her going to shoot her, Shadow whined in pain as she looked up to see the owner trying to shoot her but before he could shoot her she growled lowly and jumped on him knocking him to the ground as she snapped her jaw at him then ran off trying to get out of the cafe so she ran towards a window. 

She felt someone tackle her making the window break as they both fell out of it, she then tried to attack the Weson as they tried to hurt her which failed as she managed to over power the Weson and kill them in self defense as she ran off only to hear the owner firing his weapon and to hear him screaming in agony as the Weson attacked him. She ran to the car not wanting to stick around any longer, she pawed at the door before hopping in once her friend let her in but she whined in pain. 

"We need to get you help, hold on." She told Shadow, before taking her to Monroe's as she sped off not looking back but she was hoping Shadow didn't get blamed for this because she didn't do it. Shadow groaned as she started to change back to her normal self, she carefully got into her bag and slipped on a different pair of clothes which was a Tshirt and comfy shorts, she had covered her wounds up first before hand. "You mind telling me what the heck that was about Amelia?" Shadow asked her friend wanting to know what the heck just happened back there.

"I may have ticked off a group of Weson untenablely, but I didn't do anything to make them mad other then come to see you which apparently they don't like werewolves or the fact that I'm a vampire hanging around one. They have bigger problems then us because we have a Grimm in town that they have to deal with well technically two but for now there's one." Amelia said as she drove to Monroe's place, Shadow sat there in the backseat thinking about what Amelia had just said and of course she had heard of the Grimm's and how bad they were from Monroe until Nick showed Monroe along with her other wise.

 "I've heard about them but the two that Monroe told me about, he said that their very kind and unlike what the book says about them. Accept I've never met the second Grimm, Monroe told me that he was off doing something else at the moment so it's just our friend for the moment." She said, before going quiet the rest of the drive but once they got there Amelia helped her up and to the front door where Monroe opened it and let them inside. 

"Oh my gosh what happened?" Monroe asked as helped Shadow over to the couch along with Amelia, they both helped her onto the couch carefully before Monroe looked at Amelia telling her to explain what happened, as he was told Monroe looked both worried, shocked and nervous. "A group of Weson?! Amelia I told you to keep her out of your messes because I don't want her involved with Weson, it's not safe for her especially when the Weson already don't like or trust both your spieces as it is." He told her as they started to bickered and argue. 

"Can you two please stop bickering gosh, I get it it's not a good situation but Amelia is still my friend and I know she can handle herself but there's not much we can do about the Weson other than let Nick deal with them. I know you two don't exactly trust each other but maybe you should at least try to get along, I appreciate your help Amelia but you should probably head home and get some rest we all need it ." Shadow told them both, before trying to get comfortable on the couch while Amelia said her goodbyes before leaving to head home while her and her brother Monroe had a small talk til he went to bed while she laid there looking up at the ceiling as she thought about what happened. 

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