Dealing with the angry wife

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While Ray took Shadow to his and Nick's place, Nick and Hank along with Monroe delt with the Weson they didn't cause a fight though but they wanted too until they saw what Nick was and backed off. "Y-Your a Grimm." One of them said, before they all backed off and headed to the cars but the leader of the group looked at Nick with a nasty glare. "We will find her Grimm, you cannot protect her from us." They said, before leaving and as they did Hank and Nick enchanted a look of this isn't good. "We need to find out what kind of Weson they are and stop them, before Shadow or anyone else gets hurt." Nick said. "I will have Ray stay at the house with Shadow, while we head over to the precinct to talk to the captain before heading over to the trailer. After we talk to the guys wife."

Nick and Hank left Monroe's, before heading over to talk to the wife to see if she knew anything about what had happened to her husband since she seemed angry that he was dead instead of sad. Nick pulled up to her house and got out of the car along with Hank, he walked up to the door with Hank before knocking and waiting for the wife to open it. The wife heard someone knocking and went to answer the door, when she opened the door she saw Nick and Hank standing there before seeing Nick show her his badge. 

"Your the cops from this morning, what happened to the other one?" She asked Nick, sense there was three of them at the cafe this morning. "We are, I'm detective Burkhardt and this is detective Griffen. The other cop that was there this morning was my brother, he's watching over a witness from last night. We'd like to ask you a few questions if that's alright?" Nick could tell that she was nervous about something but he wasn't sure what, the wife nodded her head lightly before letting them into her house and closing the door. "Of course, come in." The wife said, before leading them both to the living room and sitting down on the couch as she spoke to them.

"Have you guys found out who did this?" She asked Nick and Hank, she was wanting whoever did this to her husband to pay for what they had done. "We are working on figuring it out, but we were wondering if you could tell where you were last night and if your husband had any trouble with anyone." Nick told her, before listening as she explained where she was last night and why her husband worked over at the cafe later then normal.

 "I was here chatting with our daughter and our son in law, they had stopped by in town to see us. Mark my husband had called and told me that he had to work over late, he refused to tell me why. He told me that he felt like he was in danger, he said that these two girls kept coming in near night time every night and he watches them chat til it's time to close. My husband was a good man, he didn't have anyone that would do him harm." The wife said, while Hank looked around at the photos on the wall and they definitely had a couple of kids especially a daughter. "Do you have any ideas what these two looked like?" Hank asked her, before looking at Nick as the wife pulled a picture of the two girls in the diner. 

Nick took it from the wife gently as she handed it to him, he saw Shadow in the picture along with the other person which was Amelia who was the vampire. "Mark said those two were up to something, he didn't trust them and he was afraid of them. He came home the one night and told me that he had seen a giant wolf, in the back of the cafe in the kitchen eating what ever it could find so he had shot at it to scare it off but he came home with his arm slashed open and bleeding like it had been clawed. He reported it to the police the next day but they didn't believe him, so he begun to supect that one of those girls weren't human because any time they left the wolf showed up destroying the kitchen in the back eating all the food along with stuff going missing from his office. So he had cameras out in to watch the place when he was at home not working." The wife said, she blamed those two girls for the death of her husband even though they probably wouldn't the ones that did it. "What kind of stuff?" Hank asked, before the wife told him that books had gone missing, along with other things but she wouldn't say what they were. 

"If anyone knows what happened to my husband it would be them two, I blame them for his death." The wife said seeming angry again, Nick held onto the photo as evadince before him and Hank left the house. "She didn't seem very pleased." Hank said as he walked to the car with Nick and opened the passenger side door, Nick opened the driver side door as he hopped in the car.

 "No she didn't, but at least we know where Shadow was going when she blacked out. The wife is Weson, but there's something she's not telling us. We need to figure this out what books and what else was stolen, the only way to do that is to go recheck the crime scene and the footage." Nick said as he got in the car and shut the door as he started the car up, Hank got in the car saying. "If she's Weson then that makes everything a lot more complicated with this case. There's no possible way those two girls are behind this, especially if one is in the hospital. We need to move fast." Hank shut the door, as Nick pulled out of the driveway and headed to the precinct to speak with Sean.

Mean while back at the house.......

Ray helped Shadow inside and upstairs to the guest room he was staying in, he helped her sit down on the bed before going back down stairs and outside to grab her things. He was wondering how long she would be staying with them, he was also thinking about how cute\beautiful she looked for a werewolf but he shook those thoughts away as he took her stuff upstairs and sat them down by the door as he watched her look at the stack of books by the bed. Ray sat her stuff down which made her look over at him, he looked at her as he stood back up from putting her stuff down. 

"Thank you." Shadow told him quietly as she looked back at the stack of books wondering what he had been reading, she teleported herself over to the other side of the bed and looked at the books reading what the sides say. Ray looked around when he saw her disappear for a split second then reappear on the other side of the bed, he felt the corner or his mouth lift up a bit into a smile a bit amused as he watched her look at the book titles. 

"Half of these books are about werewolves, wait you like to read about them?" Shadow asked as her eyes went wide in shock and also confusion, she knew he was a Grimm but she knew that Grimm's didn't really come after werewolves or vampires. Ray chuckled lightly as he leaned against the doorway crossing he arms, which made his leather jacket make a tiny bit of nosie as he did that while watching her still. "Have to read something interesting to keep me busy, my brother normally looks up Weson but I spend most of my time reading about what you are when I'm not busy. 

"Nick told me that you had lost control and had been blacking out lately, Monroe said he was worried about you so I told him that I would try to help figure out what's causing this. I haven't been able to find anything yet but I'm going to keep looking." Ray told her. Shadow nodded her head lightly as she sighed and she looked over at Ray, before pointing to her backpack as she watched him look to where she was pointing. 

"Try reading the book that Amelia gave me, she said that it has something in there that might explain what's going on with me. She didn't tell me exactly what it was, but she did tell me it should tell me what's wrong with me. Because her and I haven't been able to figure out what is going on either, I do know that these wolf books probably aren't entirely accurate about werewolves. With Amelia being a vampire she would have a bit more knowledge since we are supposed to be enemies, her and I kinda broke that rule tho by being friends." Shadow said as she wondered how her friend was doing and if she was alright.

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