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Nick clenched his jaw, he had had enough of listening to the wife. "You are being charged with a act of attempted assault and murder. You aren't hurting anyone else, as for the rest of your weson group of hunters. We will find them and stop them." Nick told the wife, watching her start to look upset and angry. But he didn't care, she had just threatened his brother. "I'd like to see you try. Their are a lot of us and I'm sure, that taking down your brother to get to her would be a simple task. After all, you better hurry if you want to find her." The wife smirked and chuckled darkly.

On the other side of the mirror, Raymond listened to her mentioning shadow going missing. He quickly turned towards the doorway, going into the room only to be stopped by Hank, because of how angry he was. "You son of witch!" Raymond yelled, as Hank kept him back while the wife smirked, chuckling darkly. "Where is she?!" He shouted at her, as Hank still kept him back since he was trying to go towards the wife.

"Your a Grimm and a detective. Figure it out, your the smart one. Besides, you'll find her. Eventually." The wife's words, made ray's blood boil even more. Ray soon walked out of the room with Hank, only to be followed by Nick. "Ray you need to calm down. I know your angry and upset, but I promise you we will find her. You just need to cool off, before I have to detain you." Nick told his younger brother, not wanting to have to arrest him or detain him for his anger showing up over his girlfriend missing.

Raymond heard his brothers words and knew that he was right, but he wasn't happy that he was being told that his girlfriend was missing. But he thought that the wife could be bluffing, just to get under his skin? "I will calm down, once I know shadows safe. Til then, I'm not chilling out. Til I find her and know that she's okay." With that Raymond walked away and went outside to his bike, he hopped on it starting it up before speeding to Nick's place to see if she was there.

Nick Burkhardt's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now