Day 1

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Your breath almost got caught up in your throat , the moment you found yourself in an awfully new place. Again.

Even though this was happening for almost the 10th time, you still didn't get used to it... Ofcourse not. I mean how a person can get used to such a thing when out of a sudden one day he wakes up and finds himself in a completely new place. Some times in forests, sometimes in a dark room. Sometimes in a silent and dreadful park or sometimes in a hollow hall.

Well let's look to your back story.
So basically you are a vampire. There are three species of a vampire. Cornus , Sinrus and Minor. If we look at the history of these kinds then , the cornus is the most powerful of all. It is the superior kind above all. It has exceptional powers and these are the vampires who depend only on human blood. Coming towards the sinrus , well these are the ones who are almost the same as cornus but a little bit less competitive since they do have powers but not the same as cornus. E.g if two sinruses are together fighting with a cornus then they can defeat it but if two cornuses are fighting with two sinruses then they would win or the fight may take atleast one or two lives. Sinruses are the vampires who can live both on human blood as well as animal blood like deer blood etc.

Minors. They cannot be compared with the other two kinds since they are very low rank vampires. They have very little number of powers and they only depend on animal blood. They can also live by eating human food as well. So well you are a sinrus. Your mother was a minor while your father was a cornus so hence you ended up being a sinrus. Your father has always been very strict towards you meanwhile your mother is always the one being silent in every matter. Neither can she argue your father's descisions nor can you protest against it. Your father being a cornus always has a strict aura in the house and no one dares to speak infront of him unless they are said to. You particularly live in a human world because your father never prefered for you all to live in a vampire world while he himself rarely came to home otherwise he always used to be in the vampire world.

However, coming back to the story..
Here you were standing in a completely unknown room whose darkness engulfed you and scared the shit out of you. This was indeed you father's doings. Whenever he came to home, he used to test you and your powers by sending you to a completely different place while you were asleep where there was not even a single trace of a human or any other living thing. And this was something which made you crazy and scared. You couldn't put hold on yourself whenever you were in such a situation and how could you though?

There was no way back. He said that the only way out of such situations were using your powers wisely and making yourself out by your ownself or else you would be there forever. He himself was fully aware of the fact that how much of a dangerous thing it was but still he never cared. Never cared for putting his own daughter in danger. Whenever you asked him the reason for all this he used to say that he didn't owe you an explanation but little did you yourself figured out, it was because he wanted to prepare you for future. Despite the fact that you had to go through it everytime he came home but you were never used to it. Because he never let you. He made this your only phobia.... your only weakness.

You gulped down the lump in your throat and looked here and there like a completely lost child. You couldn't see anything nor could you sense any living thing. A sudden panic arose in you and you fell on your knees. Tears began to form in your eyes and you couldn't think of something straight. All that came in your mind was lonliness which was eating you..... eating you alive. Lonliness always terrifeid you and made you breathless. It made you feel as if there were monsters around you who were going to catch you anytime and there would be no one to save you. It made you feel vulnerable. You closed your eyes tightly and tried to concentrate to get out of this. But you just couldn't as your mind was busy in its own thoughts. Your breath hitched and you couldn't focus. You felt your heart beating as if it was in a merathon race , trying to win it by runing so fast. A sudden fear consumed you and you shivered by the sudden thought of being stucked there for your whole life.

Tears fall one by one like rain drops fall in monsoon.

"N-no I-i ca-n't give up like t-t-his.. I- have to d--o this", you comforted yourself and closed your eyes this time calmly and focusly. You used your power to get out and as it was taking long, you felt like all of your energy was being sucked out every second. However, you did not lose hope. Soon You felt a bright light appear infront of you and soon your eyes shot open and you jolted up from your bed while breathing so fast and harder as if this was the last time you were breathing. You looked here and there to make sure that you were back and galdly you were as you signed in relief. You touched your face only to wipe up the tears which were fresh. You signed tiredly and stared at the wall.

"I am glad that you are okay and fine..".

You flinched by the sudden voice and turned around to see your mother sitting beside your bed with a weak smile on her face. You noticed her tears as well which made you break apart from inside but then you remembered that you were never fixed at the first place so why would you break.... Your mother pulled you in her warm embarace and caressed your hair. You buried your face in her shoulder like a small baby. You didn't want that moment to end. You just wanted to be with her like that.. for the rest of your life. But you knew that couldn't happen.

"I hope you are alright?", she asked in between the hug and you nodded never leaving her shoulder. You heard her chuckling but at the same time you felt a tear drop falling on your shirt. You smiled sadly to your self before breaking the hug and looking at her while holding her hands. "I am fine eomma.... I prom-", you suddenly went quite. You couldn't promise her. Atleast not a fake promise of you being alright. Another tear left her eye and now she holded your hands and looked at you deeply."Then promise", she demanded and you lowered your gaze. You felt her grip on your hands loosening and you felt your fragile heart being further shattered.

"I promise".

Author min:-
Thats just the start~

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