Day 18

61 7 5

< Taehyung's Pov >

Okay, what the fuck did I do?

Ugh shit Taehyung! Why did you even do it in the first place! Where was your brain?!-


What I did was right... Why am I feeling guilty...huh she was being a bit too annoying so I showed her her place. Was it wrong?

Maybe I did too much.

I was busy with my own thoughts, drowning in my own gultiness that a sudden thought, which I was damn sure wasn't mine, invaded in my mind. Making it clear for me to hear it. And without my own will, I can hear only one person's thought.....

'There is nothing to be sad off...he was right anyway....'ugly duck' '

My eyes widened amd I groaned.

Shit taehyung. You messed up really bad!

Different things came into my mind as I kept on walking down the empty streets of Transulvania, Yoongi hyung's land in short. I had my hood covering up the half of my face and my long cloak making it difficult for anyone to recognize me because if someone did recognize the 'Prince of Hansul' carelessly roaming in another land...and that too in a street....then things wouldn't turn out in a much....uhmm you can say...pretty way.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and out of my sharp reflexes, I stopped. Making it clear for whoever it was to know that I am aware of his presence. I heard a chuckle from behind me and I slowly turned to see what i didn't expect.

Especially not now.

What the hell is she doing here?

<Author's Pov>

You were sitting on the couch of the living room, doing nothing in particular. You just sat there being extremely bored as you had nothing to do. Yes I know that being 'bored' in such a situation is a stupid thing but you can't help human- no 'vampire nature' , can you?

You signed as you saw hoseok and jungkook sitting on different couches while talking to eachother. Ignoring your presence as if you never existed. You did try to take part in there conversation but clearly didn't fit in because you weren't even making sense and also looked like a 'fixy' or you can say 'third' wheeler.

You groaned as you kept slumping down the couch in boredom and laziness. Suddenly a bulb lighted in your head as you realised something really important.

"Where are my old clothes?!", you suddenly exclaimed out of no where which did make hoseok and jungkook to flinch- well only jungkook to flinch and hoseok to jump in fright.

"What?", jungkook wondered as if not understanding you.

"Ugh- I mean the clothes I was wearing when I passed out- uhmm the one drenching in bloo- I mean RAIN?!", their mouths shaped an 'O' as they finally got what u were saying.

"Ask jin hyung, he mostly do the 'laundry' thing", hoseok informed you as you nodded, getting ready to find jin before a sudden thought hit you. Your eyes widened and you gasped. You wanted to strangle yourself to death as you cursed yourself for not realising and even noticing it all this god damn time!.

"What's going o-"

"Who the fuck changed my clothes when I was out?", your words made all of them froze, even yoongi who had just entered and also the one whom u had cut off by your sentence, letting an awkward silence to fill the room.

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