Day 11

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The rain drops came in contact with the window harshly as it made such sounds which pricked in ur ears ; you saw the window covered with a blanket of pure blood which had replaced the water droplets with blood droplets long ago. Everything over here was crazy and it started to drove u insane too. It was raining outside but the difference was that instead of water, blood was showering down.

Yes it is crazy but thats how it works in this world- or shall i say 'vampire' world.

You could glance from ur window at different creatures down there enjoying the not so pleasant wheather with their tongues out as if they were waiting for it for so long. They were drinking the blood, as well as enjoying in the 'rain'. You, however, were lost in ur own pool of deep thoughts.

"How the hell was it even possible that the guy I saw with my own freaking eyes....doesn't even exist in others' povs. This is the guy took me to god knows in whatever darkness and then we talked- more like faught was all nothing....Who the hell are you kai....and what do u want from me...?"

You kept on thinkimg these same things again and again. Like why would u be the centre of attention in the first place? You weren't even that special? A simple sinrus who was trying to survive in a vampire world and the one who was literally unknown to her own what the hell could she even do to someone?...why the hell would her so called 'friends' want her at the red-full moon night? Why would taehyung, a powerful cornus, act mysterious towards her including his whole gang 'bts'? And why the hell would that kai guy come out of nowhere and try to defeat you in ur own fear of darkness when u didn't even do anything to him you didn't even knew about his existence in the first place!....

You had questions. Many Many questions which needed to be answered. Except for the aboved ones...u had some other ones too which were still waiting for an answer. Why would ur dad send u to this world in the first place? What kind of danger did u even had? Who are 'them' who are looking for you? What has kai, Bts and Bp have to do with all this situaion?!

You signed and literally had an urge to pull out ur hair. A knock on the door disturbed ur internal debate and u huffed out in annoyance. "Come in", you muttered in a loud voice...enough for the person outside to hear. The door opened revealing a super excited Lisa standing at ur door way with a wide smile platered on her face.

"Something definately not new-"

You internally rolled ur eyes and looked at her with a fake smily face. "Y/n!!!! Come we are gonna go outisde in the RAIN COMEON!", she almost shouted and u had to control urself from bursting at her with anger and annoyance. "No Thanx...i don't like it", you said with a disgusted face as u looked outside...almost vomitting at the sight of the bloody wheather. "Oh come on 'EOMMA' LETS GOOOO U ARE BORING", she yelled and started coming close towards u. "LISA NO!!!", you shouted at her as she literally dragged u outside while grabbing ur arm tightly. You winced at the quite disobedience u were facing and was being forced into something u honestly were hating right now. She dragged u all the way outside the room towards the elevator, and once u both were in the door closed and she let ur arm go to which u were alot more than thankful to be very honest.

"Ah i can't believe that u are a vampire like i am dying to have the fresh blood in my mouth and u are here standing as if i am forcing u to do something more than horrible", she said after examining ur poker face.

"Yes u definately are.."

The doors of the elevator opened and u both made ur way outside. The other three joined u two at the entrance and the four grown up women literally ran like small children into the rain. Meanwhile, You just stood in the shade awkwardly watching them drenching in blood.

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