Day 6

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You closed your eyes frustratedly while placing both of your hands on your ears. You groaned as the sound of the irritating alarm vibrated in your ear drums. "Uhhh shit", you cursed before getting up and throwing the pillow on the ground in anger. You picked up the alarm ready to smash it on the ground so it could stop blabbering annoyingly but you stopped when a thought hit you that obviously no one was going to freaking buy you a new one plus you were new too so you didn't know any shops so you put it down calmly before stopping it.

You signed tiredly and walked to the bathroom. You gasped when you saw yourself in the mirror. You indeed looked like a hungry witch. "I really should've slept last night...", you muttered while examening the horror look on your face in terror. It was not long before you decided not to give a shit about and quickly stood under the warm shower to calm yourself a bit. You let the warm water embarace you and take away all the worries and thoughts off your mind. You opened your eyes as new thoughts had now consumed your brain. Different questions were running down inside of you like impateint and curious kids who are watching stupid detective tv cartoons.
'How was the school going to be'
'Would I get awkward stares from everyone which I obviously hate'
'How will be the teachers'
'Will they really teach us powers'
'Will I adjust in this vampire world'
'Will I find a boyfriend here and then later I'll marry him and he would be my prince charming and then we'll have ki- SHIT Y/N STFU AND CALM YOUR HORSES DOWN ALRIGHT!! YOU HAVE LITERALLY MORE TO CARE ABOUT RN!!'

You frowned at your stupid self before stepping out of the shower and drying your hair. You changed yourself into your uniform and applied just a little tint on your lips. A smiled appeared on your lips when you confronted yourself while looking at the mirror. You actually looked pretty. Your a little wavy yet messy hair rolling down on the both sides of your shoulders and your long eyeslashes made you look indeed really beautiful. You grabbed your bag and slumped it on your shoulder before making your way out of your room only to be bumped into Jennie as you both had opposite rooms to eachother.

"Jeez gurl slow down your going with me anyway", Jennie stated while rubbing her poor arm but she didn't look at you since she was busy dusting off the invisible dust on her clothes. "Alright Alright I am sorry", you confessed while looking at her and rolling your eyes at her self consiousness. Her gaze finally shifted to you and her eyebrows arched up as she saw you from head to toe also not forgetting the smirk which made it's way to her pretty pulp lips. "Woah I suggest you not come with me you know", she blurted out as you saw her in utter confusion. "Because I don't want any boy to grasp you in no time and eat you as if you are a prey", she finished that incomplete sentence of her and you cringed at her way of giving someone a compliment.

She looked at you before blissfully laughing and then grabbing your arm before the two of you went out of your rooms. While walking towards the lift in the hallway you caught many glances being given to you but you denied to look back in their eyes and spat out at them while asking that what the actual hell was wrong with your face that they are staring and wispering. You both entered the lift and luckily only the two of you were in the lift. The door of the lift closed slowly and you signed in relief.

However, it was not long enough since you both were actually standing at the enterance of the school hallway. You took a deep breathe while Jennie kept explaining you what to do and what to not as if you were a 4 yr old and she was your mom. You both started walking and what you expected exactly that happened. All the eyes were on you as if you were a celebrity.

"Okay shit. What the fuck man stop freaking staring!!".

Your inner self was screaming from inside to run away back to the dorm but no. You couldn't. You knew you couldn't. You noticed that some of the boys were looking at you with confussion, while some of them looked at you with shock and clingy smiles and some of them with lust. The girls looked at you with extreme jealousy while some were busy wispering while some were just unbothered by your existence and some gave you the same clingy smiles.

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