Chapter 8

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Once back at the camp site, all of them were miserably cold. Chase started kindling the fire and the girls got their tomato soup and grilled cheese ready to cook over the fire and Chase cranked up his speaker, nobody around for miles in their secluded camp ground.

The 5 of them trickled in around the campfire, Jess sitting next to Lainey, her knee touching Lainey's. Lainey blushed trying not to look at her although Jess was watching her out of the corner of her eye here and there.

"Jess." Chase called at her and popping off the lid and handed her a wine cooler. "Lexi, Becks." He called  to the other two girls. "Lainey?" He reached across Jess's lap, reaching a beer out to her.

Lainey locked eyes with Jess as she hesitated, but grabbed the open bottle. She put it to her lips thinking about everything that has happened today. She didn't want to think, she only wanted to forget. She look sip after another sip at that point.

Jess looked around the campfire with a smile, "we're almost high school graduates people. One more week and we're free." She laughed. Lainey snorted at it too, she hardly knew what she wanted to do after high school. "Cheers." Jess said standing and raising her glass over the campfire.

"Cheers." The rest of them replied with a smile.

As everyone went in for their drink, Lainey chugged the rest of her's. She stepped away to make sure she recycled the glass, grabbing another on her way back in.

"Better slow down on those, Lainey. Save room for desert." Chase chuckled, everyone gave him a confused annoyed look per usual. As he rummaged through his pocket, he pulled out 3 large joints in a baggie and shook them for the rest of the group to see.

"Ugh, you are my savior, take one out now." Jess laughed.

Chase smiled and nudged her as he pulled one out and lit it up. Taking a long drag off of one, his eyes rolling back in enjoyment. Chase passed it off to Jess who then took two long drags and moaned with a few coughs as she let it out. She then passed the joint to Lainey while coughing. Lainey didn't know what to do, she hesitated per usual, she was really against drugs. Alcohol was one thing, she knew her limit, but drugs were different. Marijuana was different.

Lainey hesitantly took the joint with her fingers, feeling the shotty wrapping job between her fingers.

"Puff, puff, pass, Lainey." Jess giggled at her.

Lainey pushed the joint between her lips, pulling the smoke in and filling her lungs. When she let go, the smoke came pillowing out, curling around the campfire in a dense cloud, while she choked it up for what felt like forever. She passed the joint on to Becks who sat nearest her at the campfire.

The girls giggled and Lainey sat straight on the log. She felt out of it, completely out of it, but in a good way. Jess must've noticed because she placed her hand on Lainey's knee and the very touch of her fingertips made Lainey jump.

"Are you okay?" Jess asked giggling. It wasn't her to be so bubbly, and it must've been the marijuana that made Lainey giggle back.

"I'm great!" Lainey smiled and giggled back locking eyes again. She was so fucking beautiful and Lainey wanted anything in that moment just to kiss her in front of everyone there, but she couldn't.

Lainey looked away mid-giggle fit and grabbed a 3rd wine cooler, catching up with everyone as they drank, smoked, and talked about high school, graduation, and even college.

"I have an announcement to make." Chase said as he rose his drink. "I'm really glad you've joined us Lainey. Although you're really quiet, I'm used to it with the other misfits, but you make a great contribution to the girls and we've had lots of fun with you here."

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