Chapter 19- Everything is Figured Out

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Jamie's POV

"What took you all so long?" Nicole asks me after I make sure Daniel is in bed.

"Matthew and I had a little set back is all. We-" My front door opens to reveal Lance standing, panting and soaking wet.

"Lance! What are you doing here?" I ask in confusion. I don't think I called him about Daniel, did I?

"Angie told me that your brother was lost so I rushed over here. It seems like everything is fine now." He brushes his hair out of his face. I look over at Nicole.

"Angie? I didn't tell her."

Nicole flinches. "I did. I just texted her, asking her to keep an eye out for Daniel. I guess she told Lance." I sigh and rub my tired eyes.

"Yeah, okay. Lance, we found him so thanks for helping but it's best if you left now. Everyone needs sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow if you want." He gives me a soft smile when Matthew comes into the living room, towel drying his hair.

"What are you doing here?" He deadpans.

"I could ask the same. Jamie, you called Matthew but not me? I thought we were dating." I make a face.

"Wait what? I went out with you for ice cream once. Once! I don't understand where you got this ludicrous idea from!" His jaw clenches.

"And to think I thought you were easy." He mutters, which Matthew heard. He starts to pull his arm back but I stand between them, ending up receiving the blow. The air rushes out of my lungs and I fall to the floor.

"Jamie!" The two boys yell in unison. Matthew tries to help me but I shove him away. Lance gets this smug look which I eliminate by a glare.

"Go. Lance, I don't even want to look at you right now. Matthew, get me some ice now then leave as well." I growl. Lance huffs, stands up, and walks to the door. Matthew rushes to the kitchen where the ice machine could be heard.

"Fine. But just so you know, Matthew isn't as sweet as you think he is. I heard that he slept with your ex-best friend." He sneers and leaves the house. I remove my hands from my stomach to cover my pale face.

"Jamie... I'm sorry. It must be a misunderstanding." Nicole tries to comfort me as Jacob rushes to where Matthew is. I push past her to get to the kitchen.

"I want you out of the house. You too Jacob." The boys turn around with shocked expressions.

"But you asked me to get i-" I cut Matthew off.

"Yeah well that time is over since I just found out that you slept with Angie." He winces.

"C'mon dude. Just let her figure stuff out by herself." Jacob mutters. Matthew closes the Ziploc bag then leaves with is friend, leaving only Nicole and myself.

"Why is all of this happening?" I whisper and sink to the floor, where Nicole holds me as I cry.


Nicole ended up staying the night. I didn't return to work the next day. I was a little ashamed to face Matthew after last night. I wonder what he would think of me. The bruise on my stomach turned a nasty yellow but thankfully nothing inside was damaged. After thinking about what Lance said, it couldn't have been true right? I mean Matthew was changing into a matured person. He was no longer the playboy that everyone would talk about. Maybe I could have done something better, like let him explain. I was just to annoyed to even try to listen. Tomorrow I'll definitely ask him, no matter how badly I want to hid under my covers.


I get dressed in shorts and a lace shirt. After slipping my shoes on, I check on Daniel, then walk to Rent & Read. The door rings lightly as I open the door.

"Welcome to Rent & Read. How may I help you?" Matthew drags without looking at me.

"Hello." He instantly looks up when I speak.

"Jamie! Are you alright? How's your stomach? I'll explain the whole situation!" His sentences meld together as he speaks fast. I smile softly at him.

"I would like that." He then tells me that Angie was trying to seduce him but he told her no. After a few close calls, she got frustrated and ran out.

"I have no idea why she came, or where she went. But it was all a misunderstanding. She must have told her friends a lie." A breathe of relief escapes my mouth. "So we're all good right? I'm not hated anymore?"

I laugh. "I don't think you ever were. I was just annoyed by you, is all." He pulls me into a hug over the desk.

"I missed you so much. I'm so sorry about hitting you. I'll do anything to help you, okay? Just ask."

"You can do one thing." I tease.

"What is it?" He holds me at arms length.

"Kiss me properly." My cheeks turn a pale red. He trails his thumb against my hot cheeks with a smile.

"I can do that." He whispers before pulling me into a sweet kiss. I wrap my arms tightly around him. He tries to pull me over the desk but I end up hitting my bruise, yelping in pain.

"Sorry!" He panics. I laugh again.

"Just kiss me." I tell him.

He was happy to surrender.


And that's the last chapter! I was going to type a chapter 20 but honestly I'm kind of happy with how this ending turned out. Thank you thank you thank you everyone. It's been a long year of lots of breaks but I finally managed to finish this story. I am so blessed to have so many reads and so many readers. I CAN'T EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM OH DEAR LORD.

Arigato for staying on this journey with me!

Ilyana xo

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