~Chapter 2~

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"I will never understand how quick boys can become friends," Honey tutted at Sirius as they made their way to the docks. Sirius stuck out his tongue before continuing his conversation with his new best friend, James Potter.

"All ye first years, make yeh're way te the docks," A heavily accented, gruff voice came from the lakeside.

"Ello, missy, jus' watch yeh're step tere," He said kindly to Honey as she was convincing herself that her fear of water needed to get lost. "No thanks, I just have a fear of water," She sighed, finally taking a bounding leap into the rocking boat. She stumbled forward, falling straight onto Sirius, who skillfully dodged her yet grabbed her by the arm and heaved her up, "Are you ok?" His eyebrows furrowed in sympathy. 

She could hear James and Peter imitating them, "Oh my SIRIUS DEAR, I will love you for ever and ever," James cooed, "I will love you FOREVER MY HONEY LOVE OF MY LIFE," Peter giggled. "Yes, thank you, Sirius," She said calmly, taking my seat next to him and brushing myself off. I could hear the two behind us making fake kissing sounds as Remus started scolding them.


Honey felt her hands shaking uncontrollably. She stood behind a beautiful, redhead girl by the name of Lilly Evans, who James had been eyeing up the whole train journey. Honey hadn't felt so nervous before now. She hadn't really thought about what house she wanted to be in. Thoughts flooded her mind as she watched the first years in front of her being sorted, one by one.

"Allison, Delilah," Professor McGonagall called. A tall, dark haired girl walked up to the stage where a scruffy, half dead looking sorting hat sat propped up on an equally scruffy stool. McGonagall lifted the hat and placed it carefully on the girl's head. The atmosphere was tense as everyone watched the girl.

"RAVENCLAW," The hat bellowed. The Ravenclaw table started to cheer and clap as Delilah Allison took her place at the table.

The rest of the sorting ceremony flew by, much to Honey's dislike because as soon as she heard her name, she froze. She felt paralyzed. She saw Remus and Sirius at the Gryffindor table giving her reassuring smiles. She walked up to the stand and looked up at McGonagall, who gestured to the stool. She sat down and felt the leathery, dusty hat fall over her head.

Hmm, where shall I put you? A Rosier. Your father, a Hufflepuff, one of the finest, the voice said happily, You have a good heart, Rosier, good intentions. You will go far.

Honey was hopeful, her face lit up.

"Hufflep-" The hat shrieked before abruptly stopping. The Hufflepuff table erupted in cheers but soon died out, replaced with a murmured confusion.

You have a good making of a Death Eater, Honey Rosier, this voice more hoarse and shrunken, a loyal subject. The words danced around in her mind. Death Eater. Death. Eater. 

"SLYTHERIN," The same voice cackled. A round of applause erupted once more, but this time, from Slytherin. The house that has churned out the worst dark wizards of the century. She could never be associated with them. Never. She apprehensively got up, holding in the question to ask to be resorted. She looked to the place where Sirius, Remus, James and Peter were sitting. They gave her a weak smile which she returned. She'd have to  just deal with it for the time being. She took her seat next to a skinny boy with medium length shiny hair. He shuffled along, giving Honey more space to sit.

"Thank you," She smiled warmly. "It's nothing," He murmured gruffly. She looked down the long table, inspecting each and every face. Suddenly, she spied a certain black-haired girl with a bleached fringe giggling away with a pale, platinum blonde haired boy who was gripping her waist tightly. Food suddenly appeared and their flirtatious act was soon over. Honey gagged at the sight of Narcissa being close to making out with someone. It was sickening.

"Hey," She heard a familiar voice, she turned to see Andromeda standing over her, "Lets make this quick, I'm not allowed to be on this side of the table."

"Welcome, to the worst house in the world," She grinned. "We've got dark witches and wizards in the making for MILES, you'll hate it," She added bluntly.

"Well, as long as your here, I don't think it'll be that bad," Honey smiled weakly. She was really contemplating whether to tell Andy about the voice, nut thought that maybe this wasn't the best time. "See you later." Andy said before darting off, a fair-haired boy running after her.


The Slytherin common room was dark and dingy, Honey hated it. She stared around at the emerald green furnishings and towering fireplace, intricate carvings framing each dark green velvet curtained windows. She left, in hopes that her dorm was more happy than the common room.

Honey slid quietly into the room, praying no one was in yet. Thankfully there was no one. She lugged her trunk to a corner and carefully lifted the lid. Her trunk was practically bursting with the amount of things she had piled into it. She placed a framed picture of her parents at their wedding. It was two years after her father had graduated from Hogwarts, he had met Dilara at the ministry and fell madly in love. They got married soon after they'd met and had Honey a year after their marriage. Honey smiled at the moving picture of them. She soon pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill and decided she should send them an owl telling them where she had gone.

Suddenly, the door flew open and four girls came in cackling. Honey ignored their snorts and high pitched squeals of laughter.

"Hello there," One girl said in an awful shriek, "What's your name?"

Honey knew it was directed at her as they all seemed to know each other. "Honey." She said.

"OH," Her eyes widened in realization, "Your the girl that got resorted." She gave Honey a dirty look before carrying on her conversation.

Honey rolled her eyes before starting her letter.

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