~Chapter 13~

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"Ladies," They heard Remus call from the common room below, "You have 10 minutes left, or else we're gonna be late."

Honey had joined her Gryffindor friends to get ready, they always had the best taste in fashion. She sat on Marlene's bed, smoothing the creases out of her mother's old dress. She felt a tear roll down her cheek. Just at that moment, Alice turned around,

"Girl," She said, "No tears on that beautiful dress." Honey laughed lightly. "Go put it on." Lily urged her, "You'll look stunning."

Honey sighed and picked up the dress, leaving to the toilets to put it on.


The girls came down the spiral staircase leading to the common room. James grinned stupidly after Lily kissed him, fingers travelling to to her bare back. Lily adjusted her dark blue halter-neck as she left with James and the others, who left Honey and Sirius.

"You're looking beautiful, Sweetness." He smirked, offering his arm, "If I may." She took his arm and smiled.

Honey had on her mother's old strappy disco dress. She always admired it, it was pale blue, a bit worn, but good enough to wear. "Is it just me or are you taller?" Sirius smiled.

"Must be you," She laughed, pulling her dress up so it came up above her ankles, revealing her tattered old sneakers,  "I refused to wear heels." Sirius laughed.

They entered into Slughorn's office to see Lily in deep conversation with him and a rather depressed looking James beside him. "Thank Merlin." He muttered to Sirius, grabbing a tall glass of firewhisky from a house elf for him and his friend, "Love you Lily." He placed a kiss on Lily's cheek before running off with Sirius.

"Hello, Dear." Slughorn beamed, shaking Honey's hand, "What a pleasure to see you tonight!"

"You too, sir." Honey smiled weakly, looking around at the crowded room, "If you don't mind I'll go have a look around."

"No, no! Not at all." He nodded enthusiastically. Honey weaved through the multitudes of people gathered in Slughorn's office. "Mead, miss?" A house elf smiled up at her. "Thank you." She said, grabbing the glass and chugging it one gulp. The room made her feel hot and bothered, her cheeks swelling with heat. She wiped her sweaty brow with the back of her hand and moved to a curtained off area.

"Oh! Remus," She turned and met his eyes, "Are you alright?" Remus nodded slowly, "A bit too many people." He said, sipping the drink in his hand. "I know what you mean." She leaned on the wall.

"Where's Pad- I mean Sirius?" He asked her. She shrugged, "Gone off with James. I'm sure they're fine."

"Those two sentences don't go together, you know that, right?" Remus looked at her, eyebrows raise. "You have a point." She laughed.


"Honey? Honey?" She could hear Lily calling her. "Yeah? What happened?" She poked her head out of the curtains. "You may want to come see this."

She looked back to Remus. He shrugged. "OK, coming." She walked over to her redhead friend who's gaze seemed to be transfixed on something.

"What're you looking a-" She turned to look at what her friend was watching. 

It seemed as though the world had stopped. She was probably imagining it. Wasn't she? He'd never do that. Would he? One hand was on the girl's waist and the other clutching a glass. Honey felt heat rise in her cheeks at the sight of him kiss her. Tears rolled down her cheek as his stormy grey eyes met her olive green ones. He pulled apart suddenly and sent her a pleading look her way. She turned to Lily who seemed to has been staring at her the whole time. She pulled her in and hugged her tight.

"Let's go."


The two walked slowly down the corridor, not really knowing where to go. The silence had been broken all of a sudden by the sounding running behind them. The two turned and saw James and Remus sprinting down the corridor as fast they could. They stopped abruptly at the two girl's sides,

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of him when I see him." James breathed, "I'm really sorry, Honey." She said nothing, instead she kept walking. Lily smiled weakly at the two boys before catching up with her.

"I told him not to drink firewhisky." Lily muttered.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Honey's voice was shaking.

"Listen." Lily said a bit more louder this time, "He's a stupid idiot who didn't know what he got himself into. You were never the problem. You're amazing. The most amazing person I've ever met. You're my bestfriend and it wasn't hard to tell that he really does love you. He wouldn't've done it knowingly." Honey looked at her, her face stained with tears,

"You think so?" Lily nodded, "Of course I do. Would I lie to you?"

Honey chuckled, "Thank you."


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