~Chapter 12~

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A layer of snow dusted the grounds, as if it were a gingerbread house. Everywhere was pretty much covered in a thick layer of pearly-white snow. Honey sat beneath the frozen fountain, reading. She was wrapped up in an old coat and her Slytherin scarf was draped around her neck carelessly, her nose pink from the freezing cold.

"Reading? In this bloody cold?" She looked up and was met with the famous smirk. She rolled her eyes and carried on reading. Sirius walked over and sat beside her, he loved how peaceful she looked. "You know," He said, "I feel really cold," He gave a pretentious shiver, "If only there was a way to make me less cold." Honey chuckled and smiled playfully, "Why I am even more cold than you are. How could I ever be warm?" Sirius grinned and kissed her, encasing her in a warm hug.

"Now go inside," He said, getting up, "I don't want you to freeze to death." He put his hand on his hips and put his best Lily impression on. Honey laughed, "Of course, mother." And she took his arm and walked back up to the castle.


Fortunately for them, their relationship wasn't out in the open. No one knew except for their closest friends. Any actions that were considered flirtatious in any way were just dismissed as their playful friendship. It was a good thing, it would've definitely been the biggest talk at Hogwarts. And gossip spread like wildfire.

The two entered the hall for lunch, arm in arm, being beckoned almost instantly to where their friends were sitting. They sat opposite each other, Sirius resting a hand on Honey's thigh, resulting in a chill running down her spine.

"You two love birds doing alright?" James smirked. "Shut up." Lily hissed, elbowing him in the stomach. Honey helped herself to the sandwiches left out, trying to hide the blush that had crossed her face.

"Fine, James, Fine." She said, grabbing the jug of apple juice and pouring herself some, "What've we got after this?"

"Potions." Remus said, "we've got our mock NEWTS soon." Sirius sighed, "Slughorn's not gonna lay off homework any time soon, I suppose."

The Marauders plus Honey and Lily entered the dark and dreary classroom. It was very surprising the any of the Marauders, except for Remus, had managed to scrape up an 'Exceeds Expectations' OWL grade. Especially Sirius and James, who never produced a single decent potion in all their school years, always pouring it down each other's backs. Honey took a place with Lily at one of the tables and took out her cauldron and potions kit. Slughorn stood behind his desk at the front of the class and began to lecture them on the importance of NEWTs. Honey blanked out, her eyes were glossy as she stared up at the ceiling. Slughorn's voice was drowned out by the memories of the night with Sirius and the kiss she shared with him.

Suddenly, a scrunched up ball of parchment hit her square in the face, breaking her trance. She looked to who had thrown it and she was greeted by a cheeky grin. Read it, He mouthed, smirking. She opened up the paper and red it, heat rising to her cheeks. Lily stole a glance at her friend's red face and grabbed the piece of paper to read,

Dreaming of me, Sweetness?

Lily grinned at her and placed the note into her hand.

"Something you'd like to share with us, Miss Rosier?" Slughorn's voice sounded from the front of the class. Honey's cheeks went more red, "No, sir." She said quickly. "Are you sure, Rosier? It seems to be giving you a lot of grief." Honey stole a glance a the smirking Sirius, "No it's all fine, Professor." Once Slughorn had left her alone she turned to Sirius and threw him a dirty look,

I'm going to kill you, She mouthed angrily.


Honey and Lily sat beneath a large beech tree by the edge of the lake, talking and gossiping.

"Why did her even write that?" Lily chuckled. Honey's cheeks went pink, "I was kind of thinking about him though..." Her voice trailed off as she watched Lily bend over from a stich due to her hysterical laughter.

"Hello Ladies." Sirius' happy voice came. The two looked up, he was with James.

"I said I was gonna kill you." Honey said, jumping up and pulling out her wand, a smug grin plastered on her face. "Well, love, I think this'll change your mind." He produced a few pieces of paper. "What's that?" She said, lowering her wand.

"Invitations to Slughorn's Christmas party, of course." He said, rolling his eyes.


Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter, but I hope you all like it.

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