~Chapter 9~

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The sky was dark, even if when she left it was light outside. Barely meters away from them was a looming shadow-like house. She had a feeling that she had been here before. Then it hit her. Black Manor. The grey clouds above gave an almighty thunder. She turned to her friends,

"James, Lily, you take the back, and no snogging." She said sternly, "Or at least not until the end. Remus, you take the right side, there's a small door that leads to a laundry room. Sirius, you take the left, go through the second window down, it ends up in the sitting room, but I think you already know. When I give the signal, go in."

"And what about you?" Lily asked.

"I'll go through the front." Honey replied, "Now none of you get killed. Please." She felt tears well up in her eyes, but she forced them away. Lily and James gave her a swift hug before disappearing off behind the house. Then Remus hugged her , mumbling "Good luck." as he left. Sirius hung back a bit.

"Are you alright?" He asked her, cocking his head slightly. She gave him a weak smile, "I'll be fine."

"Don't lie to me, Honey," He said sincerely, "It's fine to feel scared." She didn't say anything for a moment, but then she pulled Sirius, and kissed him. Sirius seemed slightly in shock, but didn't pull away, instead deepening it. Once they pulled apart, they stared a each other for a second.

"I love you." Sirius whispered before running off to his window. Honey walked up to the front door and pulled out her wand,

"I love you too." She muttered. Red sparks flew into the air.


James and Lily, wands drawn, trod carefully through the house. Floorboards creaked as they made their way through the eerie house. They walked through an archway with odd carving. 


The two jumped. They turned slowly.


A girlish scream echoed through the house. "James?" Remus whispered under his breath. He began to run through the laundry room. It smelt strongly of smoke for reasons Remus could not think of. He burst into the corridor and felt a hand creep over his mouth. He gasped for breath, but it filled his lungs with a nauseating smell. His body fell limp into the arms of this stranger.


Sirius's breathing was shallow. He couldn't believe that she kissed him. But he couldn't ponder on that for long. A piercing scream met his ears as he looked around at the room where first met Honey. He gripped his wand tighter as he sped out of the room and into the corridor. Sirius watched as his friend's body was taken away by a shadowy figure.

"STUPEF-" A gloved hand drew over his mouth and nose, cutting off his oxygen. He caught only a glimpse of Honey standing glued to the ground, horrorstruck, before darkness consumed his vision.


Honey's hand closed around the door handle. The brass was cold to the touch. She pulled hard, but it wouldn't open.

"Alohomora." She whispered, pointing her wand at it. Nothing. "Ugh." She sighed. She fiddled with her hair, then she grasped a hairpin. She picked at the lock and heard a click. She smiled happily to herself as she inserted her pin back into her hair and opened the door. She held her wand in front of her as he walked carefully through the house. Sweat dripped down the back of her neck as she looked around. The house had thoroughly changed from the last time she saw it, seven years ago. the windows were no longer covered in silky soft, dark green curtains, but were painted black or boarded up, letting in next to no sunlight. Black Manor had lost its charm. Now it seemed to have been stripped raw, with peeling paint and brick work showing through, creaky floor boards and broken tables. She heard a scream from the black door ahead. She hurried forward and flew through the door. Her eyes met the worrying scene. To her right, Remus was being taken away. To her left, Sirius had seemed to have fainted into the arms of a shadowy figure who was gagging him. Her mouth was dry and she felt paralyzed.

Both Remus and Sirius's captures had quickly disappeared, leaving Honey alone in the corridor. A cry from upstairs rung in her ears. She sprinted up the stairs, her wand slipping from her sweaty palms. Another cry. It sounded from a door at the end of the landing. She tripped on the stained carpet, toppling right into the door. She got up and burst in...

"Nice of you to join us." She recognized the drawling voice of her cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Bella." Honey hissed. She was holding Lily, pointing her wand menacingly to her neck.

"Any wrong move," She smiled at Honey, "And they're gone." She dug her wand slightly more into Lily's neck, but not enough to make her bleed. Honey looked around. Beside Bellatrix was Lucius Malfoy, holding Remus and James, and finally a masked figure holding Sirius. He was scrawny and stout. He had the odd resemblance of Peter-

"Honey-" James gasped, "Don't- do-anything-stupid." Malfoy tightened his grip on James, who winced. Gripping her wand, she looked to Remus, to who she mouthed, 'Stupey'. He nodded and brushed his hand against James, who looked to him. He mouthed it too. She looked to the others who nodded.

She raised her wand and whispered under her breath, "One, two three," And this she yelled, 


Remus and James dived for their wands, which were in each of Lucius's pockets. Lily elbowed Bellatrix hard in the stomach. Bella keeled over in pain, letting go of Lily, who grabbed her wand. Sirius, who was at least double the height of the midget who was holding him, gave him a swift kick in the stomach and broke free of his already loose grip. He ducked and grabbed his wand and stupefied his captor like the others.

"Good job." Honey said and she finished off tying up and gagging her.

"But we haven't found your parents yet," Lily said, helping Honey tighten Bella's ropes. A scream came from the room next door. They dashed out of the room and bust through the door, and to their luck, they had found them.

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