~Chapter 19~

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Rapid knocking came at the door. Honey got up and opened the door, and there, standing before was Remus. He looked out of breath and seemed to have been crying.

"What happened?" She asked him. He shook his head and bowed his head. She gasped, "No, no, it can't be."

"Who is it, Sweetness?" Sirius had appeared at the foot of the stairs, Leda on his shoulders and in her fresh nightgown. He could see his wife on her knees, sobbing as Remus stood over her, patting her comfortingly. He knew what had happened.

"They're-" He couldn't bring himself to say it. Remus nodded gravely. Sirius grabbed two coats, "We're going."


They stood before the wreckage of the home once belonging to their best friends. Honey heard the cries of a baby and sprinted in to find the Harry.

"Harry, my love." She whispered, picking him up and taking him out of his cot. She hummed the same tune which Lily had always hummed to him and it soon soothed the baby. She saw Lily's limp body before her and she could feel tears welling up in her eyes. Sirius and Remus appeared at the doorway, tear stains all over their faces.

"'Ello there." They heard the rumbling voice of Hagrid above them, "I've been sent by Dumbledore ter collect little 'Arry ere."

"No way," Honey said, "He'll live us, I'm sure Dumbledore would understand."

"Look ere, 'Oney, I wouldn 'ave it any other way, bu' if Dumbledore says so, then it has ter 'appen."

Honey kissed the top of Harry's head and reluctantly gave him to Hagrid, who looked enormous in comparison to baby Harry. He turned to leave but was interupted,

"Hey, Hagrid," Sirius called, "Take my bike, would you? I won't be needing it no more."

"Alright, thank ya, Sirius." Hagrid smiled.

Sirius passed Remus Leda and placed a kiss on top of her head. She blew a raspberry at him which he grinned at. He then he turned to Honey, whom he hugged and kissed.

"I'll be back, Sweetness." He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and walked down stairs and Apparated away outside of the house.

"He's not coming back." Honey sighed, "Is he?"

Remus shook his head, "I wouldn't keep my hopes up if I were you." He passed Honey her daughter and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry," She said, "It's the rat that should be sorry."

                                                                 ~The End~

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