~Chapter 15~

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Their finger were intertwined with one another as they strolled through the grounds, reveling in all the fond memories of the place.

"Sometimes I wish we could stay here forever." Sirius sighed as he watched a few first years stumble past them. "Me too," Honey smiled, "It seems like only yesterday when we first arrived here."

He nodded, "Remember when James broke his arm in an attempt to jump off the roof?" 

"I'll jump if Lily doesn't agree to go out with me." He smirked.

"C'mon, Lily, you can't just let the poor boy die." Honey pleaded with her bestfriend. "He can die for all I care." She stomped away.

"I still remember Minnie's face when he told her the reason." He laughed. They turned a corner and caught a glimpse of their bestfriends at the threshold of the Great Hall, in their graduation gowns. "Come on, you two, we're gonna be late." James called.

"If someone told me those two would be together by the end of our school years, I'd jump off the astronomy tower." Honey chuckled.

The two took their places with their bestfriends and entered the hall fashionably late. As per usual. Around them they could see a sea of people gathered around them, clapping. They approached the front where the rest of their fellow seventh years were standing.

"My dear students," Dumbledore stood, silencing the hall, "We are here today to congratulate our Seventh years on completing their education here at Hogwarts." The crowd applauded them once more, "I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do. May this school live with you forever."


"Mr Potter, Miss Evans, Mr Lupin, Mr Pettigrew, Mr Black and Miss Rosier," Dumbledore appeared out of what seemed to be nowhere.

"Yes sir." They replied in unison. They were sat in the courtyard taking in the last few glimpses of Hogwarts they would get.

"Would you accompany me to my office?" They each nodded and got up to follow him. "What've you two done," Lily asked James and Sirius, "To get yourselves into a detention on the last day of school?" They shrugged in reply.

"Please sit down." He said, and with a wave of his wand, a few chairs drew themselves up to his desk. "Whatever happened," Honey began, "Was James and Sirius's fault." 

Dumbledore chuckled and shook his head, "No, Dear, you aren't in trouble," (Her and Lily breathed a sigh of relief), "I am here to recruit you. I know you are each young and have just finished school, but I believe that you all posses quite talented skills that will prove useful against the Dark Lord. People are dying and we need to act. You've seen it, it's horrible. I request that you join the Order of the Phoenix. It is a secret organization that I have set up, many of your own friends have agreed to join, for example, this includes Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue . You may have time to think, you are not compelled to join, but it would be wonderful if you did."

Honey was the first to speak, "It would be an honor, Sir, to help." She still remembered the fatal night her parents had perished. It haunted her. After her, they each followed suit.

"Thank you." He smiled warmly, "You may want to run though, the Hogwarts Express will leave in a couple of minutes." Looking alarmed they each rose quickly and left to catch the train, "Can we speed up? I don't want a repeat of the beginning of the year." Honey sighed, catching Sirius smirk.

Once they were on, they watched as the majestic Hogwarts castle disappear from sight, faces pressed against the window. They each resumed their seats as they turned a corner.

"The outside world can't be that bad, can it?" James wondered aloud, laying his head on Lily's shoulder. "I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you, Prongs." Sirius said.

"Especially with what we're going to be doing now." Honey said, staring out of the window.

"She has a point." Remus nodded, not looking up from his book. "At least it'll be interesting." Peter chimed in.

The rest of the train ride was in silence. Each of them were consumed in deep thought in the dangerous task they had accepted from Albus Dumbledore. Nothing would be the same. Nothing. They all knew it. But none voiced it. It was too painful. But the truth was a painful thing. Honey knew that. The truth that her parents had actually died in front of her very eyes was even hard the believe.

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