~Chapter 6~

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Dumbledore ran at her, his wispy beard swaying as he did so. He stopped abruptly in front of her and said quickly,

"Come with me, Miss Rosier, I have serious matters to discuss that are of the utmost urgency."

The boyish glint in his eyes were replaced with desperate ones. Honey nodded quickly and followed him away. She tried not to think of the possibilities of what could be so urgent, but she couldn't help it. Did something happen to Andromeda? Were her parents in danger? She pushed these questions away as she sped up the spiral staircase leading to Dumbledore's office. 

"Please, sit." With a flick of his wand a chair moved towards her. She gulped. "Please, sit." This time more insistent. She took a seat and watched him pace up and down the circular room. He stroked his beard, looking lost in thought.

"Miss Rosier, I believe you have been notified of your parents absence as of their work." He stopped and looked at her. She nodded in response. "Well, child, I am very sorry to say that they are now missing. And so is your cousin and her husband." 

Honey's face fell. Both of some of her worst nightmares. She felt tears form in her eyes but she stopped them from dripping down her face.

"I call upon you, and whomever you chose, to go and save your parents and your cousin."

"The Dark Lord?" She whispered, "They've been taken by the Dark Lord?"

"Honey, dear, I don't want to lie to you," He took a deep breath, "Yes. I believe they have."

This time she couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. Dumbledore dug into his pocket and pulled out a floral handkerchief, handing it to her.

"This is optional, you don't have to do it."

"No," Her voice firm, "I'll save them, do you have an idea of where they are hiding?"

"We are still in the process of tracking them. We should have a location by the first Hogsmeade weekend."

"I have one more question."

"Go on."

"Where is Nymphadora?"

Dumbledore smiled, "She's in the process of being moved here. She should be here by tomorrow morning." 

She nodded and got up, handing Dumbledore his handkerchief. "No you keep it." He said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," He smiled thoughtfully, "I have no more tears left to cry."

Honey sped through the corridors to find Lily, she was the only person who knew about her situation. Suddenly, she ran straight into a redhead.

"Lily," She gasped, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Lets go for a walk." Lily looked around at everyone staring at them.

Honey recounted what had just occurred to Lily. She stopped walking and flung her arms around Honey.

"You'll be ok," Lily said soothingly. Honey felt too numb to reply. She felt nothing. He legs gave way and she collapsed in sobs and tear onto the grass below. Lily sat down next to her, giving her comforting words. She pulled out the handkerchief that Dumbledore had given her and dabbed at her eyes. One edge of it, there was something embroidered neatly among the flowers.

Salvos fac eos qui non possunt salvari ab aliis It read. And on the other side it read,

Save those who cannot be saved by others.

"There must've been a reason that Dumbledore asked me to save them." She said thoughtfully.

"Yes," Lily smiled, "there must've. I mean any old ministry person could be sent to save them. But he chose you. You've not even finished school."

Honey nodded. She still couldn't tell what the reason for this was, but she knew Dumbledore had his reasons.

"Listen, Honey, you need to tell the boys." Honey shook her head.

"I can't make them go with me." Honey frowned, "They have enough to do themselves."

"Are you sure? They're the ones going around hexing Snape and bullying anyone outside of Gryffindor." She scoffed, "And anyways, they're you friends, they'd understand."

The two girls caught the sun setting, signaling the start of Filch's evening checks around the castle. They back up to the castle and to Gryffindor tower.

"Sugar bats." Lily said to the fat lady and he painting swung open. The common room was full and lively. At this point in time, they didn't mind Honey coming in, even if she was a Slytherin. They all knew she was no harm and at heart, didn't belong there. Honey caught the eye of a dark haired boy who was sitting with his friends in front of the fire. He whispered to his friends before they all got and trouped up to her, flooding her with questions.

"Are you ok?"

"What happened?"

"Do I have to beat someone up?"

"I need to talk to you lot," They looked eager, "Alone."

"Alright all of you out." Sirius shouted.

"Everyone out otherwise I'll hex you." James pulled out his wand, threatening a group of giggling first years.

Once everyone left, Honey clapped her hand together, "Sit down." She gestured to the sofas in front of the fireplace. James, Sirius and Remus sat on the big sofa, Lily sat on an armchair to the left of them and Peter sat on the floor munching on chocolate frogs. Sirius gave a concerned look to Honey as she got her bearings before she told them. 

"My parents are in hiding," She began, "I haven't seen them since the end of the first year. They're Aurors and I've been living with Andromeda for the last six years." Her eyes started to water, "My parents, Andromeda and Ted have been taken by. By Death Eaters. Dumbledore has asked me to save them."

When she stopped speaking, she felt someone's arms around her. Sirius. Tears rolled down her cheeks as James and Remus came over to join the hug.

"Honey, why didn't you tell us earlier?" Remus said, pulling away. Honey shrugged, "I didn't want to put my problems on you guys."

"We'd always want you to tell us if something is going on." James smiled brightly, slinging as arm over her shoulder, "We're your best friends." She really did have the best friends anyone could ask for.

"So are you going on your own or are you going with someone?" Sirius asked, "To save your parents."

"Dumbledore told me I could ask anyone to go with me." She said

"Well why don't we all go with you? It could be a nice time for bonding." James nudged Remus suggestively, smirking at Sirius. Sirius narrowed his eyes in response and nodded at Honey.

"Are you sure? I can't say it won't be risk free." Honey said.

"If we die, we die together." Sirius smiled. 

"Ooooo, Padfoot, I didn't know you were such a poet." James said in a sing-song voice. Everyone laughed.

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