~Chapter 8~

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Honey sat on the end of Lily's bed, feeling very out of place. Alice Fortescue, Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadows, Lily's roommates, were all obsessing over her. They began to take out multitudes of clothes for her to try on.

"What do you think?" "How about this one?" "Yes, Black'll think your hot in this."

"Why are you all talking as if its a date?" Honey said, "Why don't you help Lily, she's the one going on a date."

"I'm already done." Lily  smiled, coming over. She wore a knee length, short sleeved red dress, a blue denim jacket and a pair of blue sneakers. She had red lipstick on and had her long ginger locks out.

"You look beautiful," Honey smiled, "James's gonna love you." 

"Now onto you," Lily said, blushing, "We need you look very single."

"How the hell do you make someone look single?" She looked to Nymphadora who was sitting eagerly beside her. She turned back to the girls who gave her angry looks. "Fine. Choose me an outfit."

The looks on the girls face returned to overjoyed looks as they set to work on making her an outfit. And didn't take them long. Honey did Dora's hair whilst she was waiting, as she was going with them too. Once she finally put the last clip in her hair, they had found her an outfit.

"Go put it on now." Alice thrust the clothes into her arms and she went off to the toilet next door.

She walked back into the room slowly. The way they acted when she walked in told her a lot.

"You look amazing." Marlene gasped. "We have good taste." Dorcas said, high-fiving the others. "Sirius will drop dead." Alice smirked.

The girls had given Honey a brown corduroy trousers, a white turtle neck top, a matching corduroy blazer and black boots. Honey shuffled to the mirror and smiled. "You really do."

They trailed down to the common room where the boys were sat waiting. As Honey predicted, James would love Lily, as always. And unfortunately, as the girls predicted, Sirius dropped dead. Not literally, but he fell backwards onto a couple of first years on the sofa, who were sadly squashed in the process. Nymphadora mimicked him when Remus came over to compliment them.

"Someone likes you." Honey smiled to Remus. "I'm flattered." He chuckled. Remus was first to leave so he could meet his date. Second were Frank and Alice, who left flirting with each other. After that, it was Marlene and Dorcas, neither having dates went together. Next were Lily and James who left arm in arm. Sirius offered Honey his arm but she smacked it away, instead taking Dora's hand and walking out, making Sirius run after them.

They arrived at Hogsmeade at about midday. The sky seemed to threaten rain so they decided to go to the Three Broomsticks.

"Two Butterbeers and," He looked down at Dora, "One pumpkin juice, thanks."

They found a table near a window and sat down. Sirius picked Dora up and placed onto the slightly higher chair. Honey reached into Dora's bag and pulled out a packet of crayons and a piece of paper.

"Magic crayons?" She read the box, "What makes them magic?"

Dora started to pull out each crayon and placed them on the sheet and said out loud, "Draw Sirius." The crayons starter to rise before scribbling out the rough outline of an animalistic shape. Once they finished, they dropped. Honey reached for the picture and looked at it.

"A dog?" She wondered aloud, "I thought you said Sirius, not dog." Dora shrugged and grabbed another piece of paper from her bag, commanding the crayons to draw something else.

"I want some of those crayons." Sirius sighed.

"For what?"

"Doing my homework for me, Sweetness." He smirked. Dora looked up at them,

"The romantasusic stuff is happening." She said, stumbling on her words. Honey went pink, much to Sirius's pleasure.

Once they finished at the Three Broomsticks, they decided to go and do a bit of shopping. They took Dora to Honeydukes, where they bought her as many sweets as they could. Andy would definitely frown upon it.  The three went to Zonko's for Sirius, who needed to restock his ammunitions. There, they met Lily and James, who was trying to convince Lily to buy something. From there, they wandered around, not knowing what to do. When they finally decided to get back to the castle, they met Remus,

"How was the date?" Sirius asked him.

"Crappy," He sighed, "She started going on about how she couldn't deal with anyone with muggle in their blood and she told me about how her family could not deal with her being with someone who was not of pure blood."

"Remus, you're too good for her," James said comfortingly.

"Yeah, Moony, it'll be fine, screw her. She's a bitch." Sirius smiled.

"Language, boys." Lily said, covering Dora's ears. "Oops," Sirius said, "Don't repeat that. Your mother will kill me." She giggled in reply.

Suddenly, Honey felt a tugging at her trouser leg. She looked down, expecting it to be Dora. However, it was a short, long eared house elf. She had enormous, dark brown eyes that looked up at her pleadingly.

"Is you's Miss Honey Rosier?" She asked politely, pulling at the neck of her pillowcase.

"Yes," Honey smiled, "Why?"

"Mr. Professor Dumbledore sir has asked Pelly to send for you," She replied, "He says 'It is time'."

Honey looked to all her friends. They all knew exactly what was to happen.

"Thank you, Pelly, we'll be on our way." She forced a smile as she watched the house elf scurry away. The returned to the castle in silence. Honey was in deep thought, mentally preparing for what was to happen.

"Bertie Bott's every flavored beans." She said to the gargoyles. They hopped aside and she traipsed up the spiral staircase, the others closed behind her.

Once they reached Dumbledore's office, they stood before him. He was sat at his desk, quietly watching as they filed in.

"James Potter, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Sirius Black," And he looked to her, "And Honey Rosier. Do you understand that what you are doing, and that you must persevere until the very end?"

They all nodded in unison.

"And that if you lose your life today, it was for a noble cause?"

They nodded again.

"Well then, I wish you the best of luck out there," He smiled weakly, "The Apparition fields on Hogwarts will temporarily stop for you to go, I trust that one of you has an Apparition license?"

"Yes," Honey said, "But what are we to do with Dora?"

"She'll stay here," He smiled, "Professor McGonagall quite enjoyed her company last time."

He looked over to Dora who was sat with Remus on the floor, smiling to herself as she traced the scars on his face. "C'mon, Moony, time to go." Sirius said. He hated to stop whatever was happening but he just wanted to get done with Death Eaters. Remus got up, hugged Dora good bye with everyone else, before joining his friends in grabbing hold of one another.

"Good luck." Dumbledore said.


They were gone.

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